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myOtaku.com: Sparx539

Monday, March 6, 2006

Oh my God...I'm so insanely proud of mehself...'cause I told off my drama teacher, and he BACKED DOWN. Fuck yes man, FUCK. YES.

'K, see, I was trying to finish getting costume measurements, and trying to tell him about that one place all at the same time. Well, he wouldn't let me talk, and i was finally like, "GAH! WHATEVER!" And well:

Him: Did I pop your bubble?
Me: *grumblegrumble*
Him: Hey, talk to your dad, he's the one who told me all your plans first. (My dad is going to the school this week to help build sets, so he was there most of the day. x3)
Me: *snarl* *warning glare*
Him: So, I guess your dad popped your bubble.
Me: MAH DAD DIDN'T POP MAH BUBBLE! YOU POPPED MAH BUBBLE! NOW GO AWAY! *snarl growl bitch scream* *shoves hand in his face*
Him: 0_oU *blinks* *walks away*

Oh yeah, who's your momma?! *giggle* I'm so proud, and man, did that feel good. YEAH! *pumps fist*

And I'm still calling that damn theatre for their costumes, I don't give a fuck. I even said that as he walked away; I turned back to the girls with me, and just said, "I'm calling them anyway." Yep, blunt, commanding, a lil' scary...but I am calling them. xD

Teaches him two things: A) Don't piss me off when I'm hormonal and I've had it up to HERE with you, and 2) DON'T SAY SHIT ABOUT MAH DADDY. I'm a daddy's girl, so that kind of thing just doesn't fly.

Oh, and I get lightboard lessons tomorrow. AND I GOT MESELF A SCRIPT! Well, my dad got the script, but my parents are all for me learning Belle's part even so. *grin*

I'd get to kiss Mike-bishie if I somehow got the part...o_o Wow.


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