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myOtaku.com: Sparx539

Monday, March 20, 2006

   Sparxy does some random shit at night
My GOD, I'm hyper. Note: Cherry Coke + 11PM = HYPERACTIVITY. xDDDDD

I always seem to blog when I'm hyper, has anyone else noticed? Or I'm all emo...*shrugs*

I was gonna post this huge blog on Friday, before we left to go camping, but I couldn't get around to it. Ah well, I'll post what I can remember now, though it'll require some introductions. HEre's a list of all the people I'll include in the blog I post when I'm more...er...sober (ANd by sober, I mean off caffine, not alcohol). xDDD

THE GUY- Ya'll know him. Teh SEXYFULNESSAGE love-of-my-life, the boy I've crushed on since I was 9.
Mike-bishie- Same as before; guy I've known a while (he hit on me for 3 days when I was 12-not-quite-13 and he was 15-going-on-16). Adorable guy, very awesome too.
DRACO MALFOY- I call him this because he's a damn-near lookalike of Tom Felton from the 1st HP MOvie. This kid's effin' adorable as all hell, and I can't help but love getting attention from him. He's a Freshman in the Drama program, and Chip in the show.
Slut 1&2- No REAL explanation...I just like calling them that. Two of the bitchiest, most annoying girls on the planet. Though i do refer to them as friend...you know what they say. *grin* "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."
Mel- Love the girl. She's a Leo, so we get along pretty well (when my Leonine side comes out to play). Hangs around with Sluts 1&2, though is very little like them.
Darlin'- So named for her sweet attitude. A little pushy, annoying, and clingy, but overall one of the nicest people to know. She's a senior this year.
BITCH- OK, this girl seriously ticks me off. I act like her friend just to humor her. She's the biggest reason I don't have Creepystalkerboy anymore. (Oh yeah...gotta write about that, don't I? xD *gigglesnort*) She's basically a attention-craving whore. I could go on and on, but yeah

I'm pretty sure that's everyone...y'see, I needed the introduction 'cause I nickname EVERYONE. And otherwise, even I'd be lost. So yeah. <3 xD


PS- About Creepystalkerboy: HO'KAYS. See, for awhile, he's been having a thing with BITCH behind my back (they're ex's). So i finally came out and asked him about it. (I've already known everything from BITCH, I just wanted his "side". And an excuse to turn things on him.) Well, he feeds me all these shit lines, and basically, I tore into him like a hungry wolf. Totally blew his cover, admitted everything, and told him, "Fuck you, I'm done". He basically gives in right away, no fight, nothing, and says he's done too. (I had to laugh at this; everything I though from almost the begining was true. I never needed this one; baby, if he can't put up with that mild shit I gave him this go around, there's no way in hell he could've survived the rest of me. Nope, I need a stronger guy than that. =D)

Well, next day, he sends a final note, saying all this stupid crap, and telling me to look up the word "okonomiyaki", because at one point, he really felt that for me, but he never will again. By now, I'm already giggling, as I know the "-yaki" suffix means "fried", usually meaning some kind of fried food. So, i look up the full word and BAM!

It means "fried pizza"


Oh fuck YES.

That earned him a nice swift kick in the "olololz DUMBASS" department. I basically corrected him, told him he was a dumbass (but thanks for the laugh! xD) and told him to stop the guilt trips, as I was getting bored.

Haven't heard from him since.

-Luv, Megumi

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