Sunday, April 9, 2006
Sleep... what is sleep?
Argh, I really should update here more often. I've actually been busy doing absolutely nothing, I got a job. I work for my friend CArlos (who is two years younger than me) as an illustrator for his poetry anthologies. I never do anything, but that's okay because his poetry is so incredible I have trouble drawing it. I only did one thing (so far) and it's up in my portfolio? (they must have updated while I was gone @_@). It's the picture I did of his computer Virus 0M3G4 (http://www.xanga.com/OM39A)
I have some other stuff that I'll put on later tonight. If anybody ahs an idea of what I can draw, I'd appreciate some suggestions because I got nothin'. Nada. ZILCH BAYBEH! ZILCH! (Zilch is a cool word)
I've also been working on a costume for the Dragon Con. I'm going as cyrus because beleive it or not it's easy to do. The only thing I have to make is his red shirt. I might do his ears if I feel like it. Everyhting else is pretty simple, just buy some wings, a black v-neck T-shirt, some black pants, and flips flops. I'd go barefoot like Cyrus does but there's that no shirt no shoes no service bit. Pfft, like i'd go anywhere without a shirt on...
I started playing runescape again. One of the first things I did was buy new boots. I was in a role playing mood so I was walking around complaining about how they were soaked in blood and made a squish sound with every step i made. Once I bought the boots (three whole pairs to be exact)and then I organized my friends list. There were people on there that I didn't even know. I met up with Taylor and Bombi and went over to the jail to taunt the prisoners with arrows and magic. Then I gave all of the junk (and a pair of boots)in my inventory to a noob who skittered off with glee after thanking me in some strange noob language. After that I noticed that there was a bucket in this one goblin's cell, when you read it's description it said it was a lavatory. I then realized that there are no bathrooms in Runescape. Bombi noted that there were indeed quite a few trees around. After having a long conversation about how runescapians go to the bathroom we had gone off onto a new subject about how poop farming for compost could make you rich. Well, I had gone off onto a new subject about poop farming, but that's just me. I don't have much of a good job on Runescape so I have a tendancy to go off about jobs that might be able to rake in some extra coins. Then we went around looking for a house for me to "live in". I suppose I'll always be Runescape's worst adventurer. After a while Taylor and I tried to help this noob with a quest she was determined to complete regaurdless to the fact that it's impossible to do at such a low level. I almost got killed AND I ripped my new boots. bombi went to get a sex change while I went bear hunting before "bedtime".
Come to think of it, my team of adventurers all started out as their real life genders. After a while I got bored and decided to pay the makeover mage 3000 coins to make me a boy. It's pretty cool, but now girls hit on me becuase i have really good equipment. I also ahve a neat skirt, see?

Bombi's behind me, he's normally a boy, but he had lost a bet and had to remain a girl for quite a long time. When I met taylor today, he was a girl, and was wearing a pink shirt with a matching skirt and a yellow Fedora (I collect those you know ^_^). Bombi had changed back into a guy while I was gone, but by the end of the day he was a girl. Maybe I have that effect or something... OH well.
I got in touch with another friend of mine, but by the time we met in Varrock my mom was yelling for me to get off. So I did. We never did find that house, and the fur trader would only take one of my bear furs. I had accidentally bought one of his so i now have four again.
Oh, I got a retainer on thursday. It makes my voice sound hilarious (haha, very funny...) So I only wear it when my mom is paying attention to me. It smells funny too...
I'm also thinking (yet again) about finally doing something with my cast of characters. But before i do that I'm going on a freaking rampage to get my friends to do some fanart for me. If anyone wants to do anything I'd reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally appreciate it.
I'm getting better at DDR! I went from getting all freaky-excited for getting B's on light to elegantly excepting AA's on light, A's on standard, And some A's and a few B's on heavy. it's really fun doing that.
Oh, I also jsut realized this week that when I was six-years-old I ate hotdogs and hamburgers with nothing on them. Now I eat them with everything but mayonaise. Strangely I fins that interesting...
Well, I'll be submitting some stuff for a little while and then I might hit the sack, or eat something, or read, I dunno...
Have fun ^_^
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