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myOtaku.com: Specail Ed

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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Quizes Equal Fun

Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

Your arch-nemesis is:
Captain Kirk

Because you are both competing to be the world champion of strip chess.
The winner will be...
Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

Well I had fun with that.

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Saturday, October 15, 2005

Thursday October 13, 2005, 3:00pm my dog started having puppies! so happy they are so cute. I wanted to video record their birth and thats when I realized I am like Hughes in that way XD I already have many pics of my dog Nova ah the horror of when I get a new camera...

My old camera is broken so I can't take any pictues darn it.

Nova is such a good mommie and hte puppies are soo cute

*End Hughes-like spazzing*

When it comes to my dog I become like Hughes.

Other news:
Every night I stay up til midnight when I have school the next day, its gets cold in my room and I wake up freezing because I refuse to use my thick blanket (Nova got it dirty before she had the pupies and once I woke up with a bluddy nose I got so hot under it) so I just sleep with a thin blanket. As I am going to bed I acidently sit on my glasses case for the third time tonight and I realize:
If I had an Al he would be bitching at me, yeah he so would, can hear it now "You should put your glasses case somewhere other than on your bed." and "Get someone to clean the blanket or do it yourself if you still wont sleep with it on, your only going to make yourself sick." and other stuff, as I write this I realize after becomming obsessed with fma my concience has turned into Ed and Al. Ed is always yelling at me telling me I need to improve myself or I should punch/kick that person who just gotton me angry. Al encourages me and gives me helpful advice that makes me feel good. Sometimes I listen sometimes I don't. Oh and Roy now has control over part of my brain makeing me think perverted thoughts...all the time.
Roy- Controls my perveted side
Ed-Controls my angry/lazy side and I've notticed I write things like him (adding comments like this) and I think its his fault I stay up later than my parents would like.
Al- Controls my goodness
Sofar Al has me under control even though I would rather have Ed and Roy just comes out durring lunch time at school or when I am reading fanfictions.

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Thursday, September 22, 2005

Happy Birthday!
Septembet 23 is my 14th birthday and today...I GOT A LABTOP WHOO!

I wouldn't be so happy if it weren't for the fact that the old computer I was useing wouldn't let me log on here or see any animated images. I am happy to see motion again and to be able to update again.

Other news:
Today at school I kept telling my study hall teacher's construction paper made tree had no hope left so she told me to fix it and make it better, someone added a 'hole in the tree' for a squirrle so I decided to draw the squirrle. It looked like road kill. and my teacher was like "Oh I didn't know you had so much art tallent!" and then I said "It's horrible I messed up alot." Someone came back from the library because a couple of them went to get a book that shows how to draw a squirrle. She says "That squirrle looks like road kill."
Me-"Yeah thats all I can do, make road kill stuff."
Then they start making the squirrle as shown in the book with all those useless (to me) circles to start out with. The other kids squirrles looked like snowmen. So then I decide to get my lazy ass to work and started drawing the finished squirrle and in the end everyone thought it looked great. It looked like a demon cat with a very fluffy tail! "It's a demon squirrle hahaha!" is all I could say for the rest of the class.

Well that is all I have to say for today.
Sayonara ^_^

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Sunday, August 21, 2005

No smoking around Specail Ed. Thankyou for your co-operation.


From Go-Quiz.com



From Go-Quiz.com

Specail Ed may explode without warning


From Go-Quiz.com

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Thursday, August 18, 2005

If you are wodering about the sites color change...well the red is like Ed's coat the black is like his other cloths(other than his blue boxors i dont recall seeing ed's socks so...) and the yellow is for Ed's eyes and hair. <3
Well I certainly like the black but the gold with it....I am not sure tell me what you think please. Other than stuff about my obsession with Ed. ^_^

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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Why I am so lazy
White Wolf
Your critter companion is the Wise White Wolf. You
are a person who likes to keep to themselves
and your social circle consists of a few,
select friends who share your interests. You
may seem cold to other people, but thats just
because youre a little shy. You dont like big
crowds and raucous parties, you'd much rather
sit somewhere quiet and read a book or

What Kind of Critter Would be your Best Companion? (Anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

The reason why I am being lazy is....because I am! grr. Now for some uninteresting things about the person you are reading about. yay!*sarcastic*
Lets see here hmmm I have a scanner, I have art, and I have the full ablility and freedom to post it up here. Then why don't I post it? Well.....I am afraid of the wandering eye and the all knowing listening ear. I don't care to much of your opinion, I am more afraid of my family finding out. It's not like I am doing something I am not suppose to its more like of what I will allow myself to do.You see I don't even like to laugh out loud when people are in the house. I like no LOVE being an invisible girl. Sometimes I have moments where I must talk to people but hey? that's what I have you for isn't it! I am just weird like that, I didn't even like to use the old printer unless everyone was out of the house or alseep. It was to loud and they would have saw what I was printing witch is 98% of the time something funny and that they would enjoy. But being the person I am, I hate being around them at least at school people ignore me like I want most of the time. (friends and teachers exculed those are the only people I talk to. I enjoy being right so I answer the teachers damn questions other whise I am ignoreing all others and in my dream world where Edward and I sit by a river in the middle of a forrest and somehow we get into an arguement and both fall into the river slaping each other with Ed's mechanical arm that I accidently broke off and then Lord Sesshomaru from Inuyasha who in my world has two arms pulls us out by our shirt collars cokeing me and then slams us against trees until we stop our useless fighting. Then we end up at my house and watch movies and Ed gets us pop and popcorn and usually spills grape pop on sesshy's fluff where then Ed is in huge trouble but we keep watching the movie irriateing sesshomaru even more until both of us are as good as dead....oh wait thats not the point....that was a fun dream though.....I forgot the point I will have to think about it....yum grape pop....okay I think the point was I dont like people to see me do anything even move or breath even though I can't help but breath and I can't sit still I twitch when I have to sit still argh. So it will take even longer for me to finally be confident enough to actually post my piece of crap er I mean art. ^_^ happy days.
*goes back to dream. wheee*

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Monday, August 8, 2005

No subject!
People view you as a Loner Artist. Loner Aritist
are exactly as their title says, loners and
artist. Now you are not alone by choice but
many people find you odd. This only bothers you
when you're in a public place like a dance club
or a crowded lunchroom so you tend to steer
clear of those places. You might have a friend
or two but they're either Loner Artists like
you or Truly Dark. Fear not! So many artists
are not appreciated in their own times!

What Do People Truly See You As? (lots of outcomes and stunning pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

Yesterday I went shopping for school cloths I hate that expeacially when my dad told my mom not to buy me any more granny cloths and that im 13 not 87. *sigh* I usually go shopping with my grandparents and I go by others opinion most times even if I see someting I hate to wast money cause I have a habbit of only wearing half of the cloths I ask for. Though this year I did get a jacket I've wanted even seince 6th grade. I need to speak my mind more or just plainly speak more. I think I talk more in the internet than in real life. I think my voice sounds like I am onl the brink of tears all the time. Another thing that annoys me that my dad does is tell me to smile. Just because I don't smile doesn't mean I'm not happy. But all I tell him when he asks me is "*smile* This is how I always am though. *frowns and walks away*
This morning my dad made breakfast for my brother and I for once. He wants us to learn how to make our own food and not "wait on others to do our bidding" er someting like that ehehe. I could make myself breakfast IF I WANTED TO. I usually don't want breakfast I eat more when the sun goes down than when I wake up. If they would just stop cooking for us we would eventually get sick of sandwitches and microwaveable foods/pop corn and popcicles/icecream and pop/water/milk/orange juice/apple juice whatever we have and make our own food.

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Sunday, July 31, 2005

   Ice Cream
Today I went out to eat at an icecream place and I saw someone from school that was in my grade, I was freakken sitting down and the guy was still shorter than me! I thought he was a 5 year old until he walked up to me and said hi. And being the jackass I am right after he was out of my sight maybe not even 5 steps away I said "Holy crap! That guy is in my grade! I thought he was a 5 year old. hahaha." and my brother said, "Yeah I thought he was like 7 or something until he walked up and said hi. No wonder your football team sucked, they are all migets." And then on they way home I realized that is the ONLY excuse the football guys in my grade get for loseing EVERY game, but one that didn't even count. Except of course the fact it was the first year of football for all of them but still the most points in a game they got was 5 i think. I am 5ft 7in tall, the second tallest girl in my grade 1 boy i think is taller than me. I am taller then a few girls in higher grades even. This fact shocked me when I started to care.
Well I guess they are only starting their groth spirts being only 12-14 year olds.

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Friday, July 29, 2005

   Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
Today I just herd my mom bought a printer with a scarner!! Yay now you can see the worthless crap I call my own drawings! lol
My worthless printer sitting next to me now doesn't even print color right! so a new one is good news.
More news this time entertaining ones on monday my mom has to deliver to a rout (she is a mail lady) that has a pissed of duck on it! The last time someone saw the duck it came flying in there face, so now my mom wants to do something stuiped like wear a hocky golie mask while delivering that rout with "Duck Repellant" wrote one it, but we dont have such thing so my mom is doing something else I was half alseep when she told me about it.

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Sunday, July 24, 2005

Computers can be evil
My best friend called me last night around 10 we talked for an hour about absolutely nothing, other than she told me her computer started smoking so she wont be on for a few days til they get it fixed. and that she got a sunburn, yes the all evil sunburn.

I wrote this out of sheer bordom because now the only one to talk to me on msn is ricky. noooooooo. He went to his friends house for the weekend. I might have to talk to that one girl that is always online but i never talk to...

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