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myOtaku.com: Specail Ed

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Thursday, July 21, 2005

My feet smell like Cheatoes
the tital you ask? erm i was clipping my toe nails and thats the first thing that came to mind...

I mainly talk to two people on msn and i have 5 contacks. that is to many cause most of them dont talk to me...like this one person from gaia who i never met before. and my brother....and my old msn thing that i screwed up and cant log back on it XD. i know what i did wrong so dont give me advice. i wont screw up the one i have now! hopefully.

i am always bored on the computer now. not even music.... wait okay music is good but i hate it when i am just sitting their listening to music and not doing anything...
i almost thought of reading a book today I was so bored. I only do that sort of thing when i am in school cause we get free stuff if we read a hell lot of books. I read and took quizes on 32 books and got a metal for it and a fake trophy that says 14th place (there were 28 trophys so i am not the loser of the bunch, i am the middle guy! woot) but that was in 6th grade i am going to be in 8th in a few mounths.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

   Music woot!
Got a Green Day song up there cuase.....well I almost got a Linkin Park song but Greenday was calling me. Woot.
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here is a little chat i had with two of my friends on msn.

Ricky:do you know the muffin man?
Ricky:I hear he lives on Sharing Lane
Bloodraven:I thought it was Bluebarry hill see i dont know him
Ricky: your right so you do know him
Bloodraven:O_O it was a one time deal i swear to gate!
Ricky: Last time i went there he was missing did you eat him?
Bloodraven: no we broke up I hated his banana pie.

Guess what banana means XD

Bloodraven:bah no pop in the house have to eat a popcicle instead
Bloodraven:yummy its orange flavored
Bloodraven:if it only came in banana XD
Washu2: XD ed's
Bloodraven:omg i dropped my popcicle
Washu2:ed XD
Bloodraven:out of my hands
Bloodraven:out of my mouth
Bloodraven:I just opened it so its huge
Bloodraven: ed may be small but he is huge XD
Washu2:XD ew
Bloodraven: I am eating while saying this XD

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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Whatever you do....Remember the Plan!
dont mind the title I am very bored.

I was just over at Ed is Sexy's site and was reading her AIM conversations and realized....they are funny. XD I knew that before it's just this time I was inspired for a few seconds to right my msn conversations on here. of course that would be like stealing....oh well if anything funny in my conversations does come up i might post it now.

I got a new CD yesterday! Linkin Park.......please dont ask me any questions about it I am sure I cant answer them. lol.

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Color bars.

Envy is love, anytime

Hoho-papa is LOVE <3

Bean/Rice grain/Shrimp is insult!Ed love.

Lightbulb!Envy is Ed-torture love.

Maes Hughes is not dead love

Hughes is LOVEEEE

Maes Hughes is Undying Love.

Maes Hughes is Fatherly Love.

Hughes is Fanatic Fatherly Love

Edward Elric is in love denial

EdxRoy is Love

Al x Winry is Love

Alphonse is adorable love

Ed+Al is Chibi!Love

Baby Elrics are Naive Love <3

- Shortie's antics are FUN! -

Edward Elric is Fullmetal Love.

Edward Elric is Love

Barry the Chopper is Love.

The Hughes family is sweet, gushy love!

Xiao Mei is fiesty love

Why Gate! why didn't you stop me!

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Monday, July 18, 2005

It appears that I like BBI as you can see from my intro...Wish I could play that game.
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Sunday, July 17, 2005

Post #uuuurrrrrr erm
Well I have 31 people veiw this page, but only 6 people signed my GB! Well I guess I haven't done anything to deserve people even comming here... My mind is but a vast open vally. My imagination is a forrest filled with anime people who want to kill me...yay! lol.
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Saturday, July 16, 2005

I was on gaia yesterday and people were talking about their anime dreams some were funny and some were weird. But I am the only one who wouldn't shut up about mine lol. Though someone did say they were interesting...or something close to that.

Today I also looked at some art work I did in school and I freaken laughed at how much I messed up. The body was inflated and size was different for everything. No it wasn't funny it was scary as hell! I couldn't beleive I thought it was good at some point! And yet again it reminded me that I'v seen worse and the world deserves to look at least 1 pic from me, alas I am stuiped and to young to drive so I can't by a scaner and I don't want to ask my parents so....don't expect anything for a few...years. hehe *anime sweatdrop*

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Thinking may be wrong for me.
I was looking at all my fav people's site here and noticed that a few of them didn't even have one pic or anything. So that got me to thinking that if I just post long enough the people will come and I will have many friends.....or I am just thinking to much.
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Well because I am to lazy to buy something that I need I will have to learn how to draw on the computer!!!! my worst nightmare! not really but its alot harder to draw on the computer.
I am getting contacks for my eyes yeah....and i cant get a friggen scaner.
Friend: Hahaha Suffer!
Me: Yes!
Friend: *hits me with a stick* No! You ate grapes again!!!!!

ahem yeah.....I go crazy if I eat grapes btw. It's natures crack!...okay fine natures candy.

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