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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

More stuiped quizes
Me and Edo-kun XD yes.

Your Fullmetal Alchemist Life by AlexiaSilver
Full Name
Your aAlchemist
Your PartnerWrath
People Call youTechEye Alchemist
Your MissionYou want to be King/Queen of all !
You hook up withEd
Do you Get MarriedYes
Your Kids4 Girls 3 Boys
Your Together forTill He Dies
You DieYou are Immortal
How much you will be Missed: 46%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Edward Elric

Which Fullmetal Alchemist Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your Fullmetal Alchemist life! by Deathdesu
Your name?
Your age?
Were you an alchemist?You were a STATE Alchemist! ^^V
Your rank was:Major-General (Shoushou)
You tended to:Threaten people.
You made friends with:Izumi Curtis
You were almost killed by:Attempting Human Transmutation
And in the end:You created the Philosopher's Stone! Go you!
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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stuiped quizes

Your Fullmetal Alchemist death... by nazgul5
Date of DeathSeptember 20, 2054
Cause of DeathPoked fun at Scar’s arm
Quiz created with MemeGen!

me poke Scar...yeah I can see it happen lol.

Fullmetal Alchemist: You as a State Alchemist by SilvernFalcon
Favorite alchemist?:
Favorite homunculus?:
Your alchemy element:Fire
Your alchemist name:Lightning Alchemist
Roy Mustang...:...Treats you like you are his younger sister.
Edward Elric...:...Would choose you over Winry.
Scar...:...Believes you are related to him.
Envy...:...Wants to kiss you.
Your alchemy success percentage:: 91%
Your rank:Major General
Quiz created with MemeGen!

The best results I got everyone loves me or thinks/acts like I am realted to them!

What would the characters from fullmetal alchemist think of you by fullmetalfan
Edward Elricthiks you are cute
Alphones Elricthinks your mean
Roy Mustangthinks of you as a friend
Winry Rockbellthinks you are to nice to edward
Lustthinks your ok for a human
Envywants gluttony to eat you
Gluttonywants to eat you
Scarwants to kill you
Your chances of survivinfg: 62%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Al thinks I am mean cause I blow him off to spend time with Ed and Winry is just jealous XD.

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Your Fullmetal Alchemist fetish by nazgul5
FetishEdward Elric
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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Friday, June 10, 2005

Well I know I should be drawing pics but instead I find myself talking online with my friends so here is something interesting that we talked about,

Ricky: what was it like
Me:?what was what like?
Ricky:Maes Hughes
Me:O_O What was what like with Maes Hughes?
Me: OH! You mean HOW was Maes Hughes!
Ricky: yea
XD still sounds dirty to me after I understood what he ment.

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A Post
today I got my report card in from school and for my art grade I got an A. and I also got an "outstanding proformance" with the A. _-_ thats when I realized all the pics I sent in for homework were SUPPOSE to be for here. I realy need to go shopping.
Also I got the pics I took at my trip to chicago and at the musuim alot of pics i took had my finger in it and the acuarium pics I used flash to much to I hardly got to see any pics of the fish. If they would just let me be lazy istead of telling me to hurry up they might have turned out better. (and 'they' is just my best friend)

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Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Today I got an idea for a pic for FMA something I think would be funny but still needs to go shopping!
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Saturday, May 28, 2005

   more friends
I made another friend here today maybe I should be buying a scaner so I can submit my art so I can have more friends and gb enterys. I also just noticed my new friend was an anime fan when they was in the 4th grade witch is when I started ^_^ yay common grounds in friendship.
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Chicago was great but like every school trip Iv ever taken things go horribly horribly wrong ^_^ (why am I happy!)....first thing that went wrong was I was out in the cold without a coat so a cold was soon to follow, I had trash duties because I volinteered to help the teachers with whatever they wanted (not to worry I had a friend that doesnt eat breakfast do my work while I hate a doughnut. so evil ^_^), then the batteries for my cd player went out and I was listining to a Ghost in the Shell cd!, the movie i had to watch for the rest of the 4 hour trip was horrible, the museum was ok but I knew alot of the stuff that was in it so I mainly took picturs of the stuff they had there,at the Shedd Aquarium we kept losing are SLOW chapperones and we didn't get to see the dolphine show cause of them but i got nice expencive dolphine stuffed animal while we were at the gift shop ^_^, then we had to switch buses and I started out with the good one and went to one with a sticky floor and no sound system for their tv(dont worry I also got batteries at the aquarium! yay!), After the tower(nothing bad realy happened but my ears almost stopped working) we went out to eat all i got was a vanilla milk shake and it took FOREVER! I had a headack a cold and tired so everyone haveing to yell to talk to someone standing next to them was not good _-_, finaly I was heading home and I had to help navigate my friends mom into my driveway(my parents couldn't pick me up cause of work) because it was raining so I couldnt just walk down my driveway. Then I got home took a shower and went to the Otaku and talked to my friends who were online ^_^ Must have been a good trip for me to complain that much.
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Well I figured out how to get one after two tries......anyway I will find someting better soon.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

My 3rd day here and I made a friend ^_^. Still needs to get a printer or a brain _-_.
I wont be here all frieday (not that I would post anything interesting anyway) because I have a trip to chicago for my end-of-the-school-trip. ^-^ good week for me!

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