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myOtaku.com: Specail Ed

Thursday, July 21, 2005

My feet smell like Cheatoes
the tital you ask? erm i was clipping my toe nails and thats the first thing that came to mind...

I mainly talk to two people on msn and i have 5 contacks. that is to many cause most of them dont talk to me...like this one person from gaia who i never met before. and my brother....and my old msn thing that i screwed up and cant log back on it XD. i know what i did wrong so dont give me advice. i wont screw up the one i have now! hopefully.

i am always bored on the computer now. not even music.... wait okay music is good but i hate it when i am just sitting their listening to music and not doing anything...
i almost thought of reading a book today I was so bored. I only do that sort of thing when i am in school cause we get free stuff if we read a hell lot of books. I read and took quizes on 32 books and got a metal for it and a fake trophy that says 14th place (there were 28 trophys so i am not the loser of the bunch, i am the middle guy! woot) but that was in 6th grade i am going to be in 8th in a few mounths.

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