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myOtaku.com: Specail Ed

Friday, July 29, 2005

   Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
Today I just herd my mom bought a printer with a scarner!! Yay now you can see the worthless crap I call my own drawings! lol
My worthless printer sitting next to me now doesn't even print color right! so a new one is good news.
More news this time entertaining ones on monday my mom has to deliver to a rout (she is a mail lady) that has a pissed of duck on it! The last time someone saw the duck it came flying in there face, so now my mom wants to do something stuiped like wear a hocky golie mask while delivering that rout with "Duck Repellant" wrote one it, but we dont have such thing so my mom is doing something else I was half alseep when she told me about it.

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