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myOtaku.com: Specail Ed

Monday, August 8, 2005

No subject!
People view you as a Loner Artist. Loner Aritist
are exactly as their title says, loners and
artist. Now you are not alone by choice but
many people find you odd. This only bothers you
when you're in a public place like a dance club
or a crowded lunchroom so you tend to steer
clear of those places. You might have a friend
or two but they're either Loner Artists like
you or Truly Dark. Fear not! So many artists
are not appreciated in their own times!

What Do People Truly See You As? (lots of outcomes and stunning pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

Yesterday I went shopping for school cloths I hate that expeacially when my dad told my mom not to buy me any more granny cloths and that im 13 not 87. *sigh* I usually go shopping with my grandparents and I go by others opinion most times even if I see someting I hate to wast money cause I have a habbit of only wearing half of the cloths I ask for. Though this year I did get a jacket I've wanted even seince 6th grade. I need to speak my mind more or just plainly speak more. I think I talk more in the internet than in real life. I think my voice sounds like I am onl the brink of tears all the time. Another thing that annoys me that my dad does is tell me to smile. Just because I don't smile doesn't mean I'm not happy. But all I tell him when he asks me is "*smile* This is how I always am though. *frowns and walks away*
This morning my dad made breakfast for my brother and I for once. He wants us to learn how to make our own food and not "wait on others to do our bidding" er someting like that ehehe. I could make myself breakfast IF I WANTED TO. I usually don't want breakfast I eat more when the sun goes down than when I wake up. If they would just stop cooking for us we would eventually get sick of sandwitches and microwaveable foods/pop corn and popcicles/icecream and pop/water/milk/orange juice/apple juice whatever we have and make our own food.

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