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myOtaku.com: Specail Ed

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Why I am so lazy
White Wolf
Your critter companion is the Wise White Wolf. You
are a person who likes to keep to themselves
and your social circle consists of a few,
select friends who share your interests. You
may seem cold to other people, but thats just
because youre a little shy. You dont like big
crowds and raucous parties, you'd much rather
sit somewhere quiet and read a book or

What Kind of Critter Would be your Best Companion? (Anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

The reason why I am being lazy is....because I am! grr. Now for some uninteresting things about the person you are reading about. yay!*sarcastic*
Lets see here hmmm I have a scanner, I have art, and I have the full ablility and freedom to post it up here. Then why don't I post it? Well.....I am afraid of the wandering eye and the all knowing listening ear. I don't care to much of your opinion, I am more afraid of my family finding out. It's not like I am doing something I am not suppose to its more like of what I will allow myself to do.You see I don't even like to laugh out loud when people are in the house. I like no LOVE being an invisible girl. Sometimes I have moments where I must talk to people but hey? that's what I have you for isn't it! I am just weird like that, I didn't even like to use the old printer unless everyone was out of the house or alseep. It was to loud and they would have saw what I was printing witch is 98% of the time something funny and that they would enjoy. But being the person I am, I hate being around them at least at school people ignore me like I want most of the time. (friends and teachers exculed those are the only people I talk to. I enjoy being right so I answer the teachers damn questions other whise I am ignoreing all others and in my dream world where Edward and I sit by a river in the middle of a forrest and somehow we get into an arguement and both fall into the river slaping each other with Ed's mechanical arm that I accidently broke off and then Lord Sesshomaru from Inuyasha who in my world has two arms pulls us out by our shirt collars cokeing me and then slams us against trees until we stop our useless fighting. Then we end up at my house and watch movies and Ed gets us pop and popcorn and usually spills grape pop on sesshy's fluff where then Ed is in huge trouble but we keep watching the movie irriateing sesshomaru even more until both of us are as good as dead....oh wait thats not the point....that was a fun dream though.....I forgot the point I will have to think about it....yum grape pop....okay I think the point was I dont like people to see me do anything even move or breath even though I can't help but breath and I can't sit still I twitch when I have to sit still argh. So it will take even longer for me to finally be confident enough to actually post my piece of crap er I mean art. ^_^ happy days.
*goes back to dream. wheee*

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