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myOtaku.com: Specail Ed

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Happy Birthday!
Septembet 23 is my 14th birthday and today...I GOT A LABTOP WHOO!

I wouldn't be so happy if it weren't for the fact that the old computer I was useing wouldn't let me log on here or see any animated images. I am happy to see motion again and to be able to update again.

Other news:
Today at school I kept telling my study hall teacher's construction paper made tree had no hope left so she told me to fix it and make it better, someone added a 'hole in the tree' for a squirrle so I decided to draw the squirrle. It looked like road kill. and my teacher was like "Oh I didn't know you had so much art tallent!" and then I said "It's horrible I messed up alot." Someone came back from the library because a couple of them went to get a book that shows how to draw a squirrle. She says "That squirrle looks like road kill."
Me-"Yeah thats all I can do, make road kill stuff."
Then they start making the squirrle as shown in the book with all those useless (to me) circles to start out with. The other kids squirrles looked like snowmen. So then I decide to get my lazy ass to work and started drawing the finished squirrle and in the end everyone thought it looked great. It looked like a demon cat with a very fluffy tail! "It's a demon squirrle hahaha!" is all I could say for the rest of the class.

Well that is all I have to say for today.
Sayonara ^_^

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