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myOtaku.com: Specail Ed

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Thursday October 13, 2005, 3:00pm my dog started having puppies! so happy they are so cute. I wanted to video record their birth and thats when I realized I am like Hughes in that way XD I already have many pics of my dog Nova ah the horror of when I get a new camera...

My old camera is broken so I can't take any pictues darn it.

Nova is such a good mommie and hte puppies are soo cute

*End Hughes-like spazzing*

When it comes to my dog I become like Hughes.

Other news:
Every night I stay up til midnight when I have school the next day, its gets cold in my room and I wake up freezing because I refuse to use my thick blanket (Nova got it dirty before she had the pupies and once I woke up with a bluddy nose I got so hot under it) so I just sleep with a thin blanket. As I am going to bed I acidently sit on my glasses case for the third time tonight and I realize:
If I had an Al he would be bitching at me, yeah he so would, can hear it now "You should put your glasses case somewhere other than on your bed." and "Get someone to clean the blanket or do it yourself if you still wont sleep with it on, your only going to make yourself sick." and other stuff, as I write this I realize after becomming obsessed with fma my concience has turned into Ed and Al. Ed is always yelling at me telling me I need to improve myself or I should punch/kick that person who just gotton me angry. Al encourages me and gives me helpful advice that makes me feel good. Sometimes I listen sometimes I don't. Oh and Roy now has control over part of my brain makeing me think perverted thoughts...all the time.
Roy- Controls my perveted side
Ed-Controls my angry/lazy side and I've notticed I write things like him (adding comments like this) and I think its his fault I stay up later than my parents would like.
Al- Controls my goodness
Sofar Al has me under control even though I would rather have Ed and Roy just comes out durring lunch time at school or when I am reading fanfictions.

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