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myOtaku.com: special goodness

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Here we go again...
" What the hell would you want with me? Why do you actually think I'd help you?"

" Becuase my boy I have incentive. You see, I know a certain, young woman whom you care for obessesivly so. Delodis, if you refuse to gelp me I will...exterminate your sister."

Delodis was caught off guard by the remark. He couldn't exactly tell why, but he new this man was not lieing.

" But why not kill me? Why kill my sister?" Delodis was almost hysterical.

" Very good question. You see beings such as my self can take and creat life. But, there are those who are not of our power. These beings are created through another power, another being. By the laws of the cosmos we are not allowed to interfere with the centient life forms created by this being. If we did, we surly would be wiped from this universe. That being said, I ask you again will you take my request?"

"Alright," Delodis replied reluctently," but before I do, answer me this. Who is the ...other being you keep speaking of. This being that is far beyond your power?"

The old man smiled, " Well he is the creator of the cosmos. The ultimate beginning and the ultimate end. He is known as the Diviner"

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