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Sunday, May 2, 2004

   Yet again..
"Now that we have introductions out of the way, we can attend to the matter at hand." the old man spoke smugly.

"What is it you want me to do exactly?" Delodis was trying his hardest to keep the contempt out of his voice.

" Very good question my boy. You see, I have a certain thorn in my side that has been there for quite some time . I want you to remove this thorn for me Delodis."

"Who the hell is this thorn then?"

A slight smile could be seen creeping up the old mans face. "Do you know the man Quill Raen?"

" I've heard of him." Delodis answered back. Delodis knew very well who Quill was, him and Quill were once yhe best of friends. That is until Quill joined the Zertengian army. Quill saw that here was filth in the world and he had made it his personal mission to irradicate that filth. The old man spoke.

" You see, Quill is like you, thusly I can do nothing to harm him. So i need you to do so."

" But why me, why not someone else made by this Diviner, as you called it?"
" Becuase I know you have a history with Quill." another smile came from the old man, revealing his yellow teeth.

" Is there anything else I need to know?"

"Yes there is actually, Quillis no longer the man you used to know. He has become a very ruthless man, power hungry, and voilent. Use much caution when confronting him. As to Quill's whereabouts i have know idea"

" Why does killing Quill mean so much to you?"

"Thays a confidentual matter boy."

"Well when do I start?"
another smile.
" You already have."

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