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Thursday, November 15, 2007

School Pictures
Hey everybody. Well, as the title sugests, I recently got my school pictures back. They are so incredibly awful, Im getting a worst picture of the year award for the yearbook. i look so absolutly stoned. My eyes are completely out of focus and my mouth is slightly open. Its so incredibly sad looking its funny. Other than that, not much been going on. Thanksgivings coming up, which means a holiday. Finally. Well, see you all around. Bye. ^^
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Friday, October 12, 2007

   Hey, Im finally back! ^^
Yeah, school's been keeping me real busy, so Im glad I finally got to go on the computer.

This is a poem I wrote based off of a book I was reading about this girl who had Bipolar and her look at life.
I.....( Bipolar)
I hate you, more than you could ever know.
But I’m careful not to let my true feelings show.
I smile behind this mask of mine.
I laugh, and grin, and all seems fine.
But through this mask, my tears run free.
I hate you because you seem to ignore me.
I want to see you sit down and cry.
I’m angry at you- why don’t you just die?
Yet I love you, more than you could ever know.
I hope this love will purify me, clean as the snow.
I’m by your side all of the time,
While I try to conceal these feelings of mine.
When I’m with you, my spirit is free.
When I’m with you, I feel…happy.
But of our friendship, does it run deep?
Or is it as shallow as a trickling creek?
I would say shallow, for when I’ve nothing to say,
You never ask what is wrong; just ignore me for the day.
The next day you ask if I’m mad at you,
I can’t really deny it, it’s partially true.
Perhaps this nonsense is all in my head.
I might even be better off dead.
No. I won’t give the satisfaction of seeing me gone.
I’ll stay by your side all our lives long.
...I’ve decided I’m mental, it must be true,
For it would describe these feelings I have toward you.
Oh, and its my sister and my birthday on the 15th. (Monday). ^^ Well, see ya!

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Sunday, September 2, 2007

Well, not much is really going on. Im bored and drowning in school work. Its such a.....drag really. I will follow Shikamaru in this. School is for sleeping, because the teachers keep you up at all hours of the night with their work. *sigh* So, how is everyone else? You guys drowning in work yet, or is it still light?
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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Im back in school. It sucks.....and its boring.....and my classess are dumb.....but somehow, I like it. Wierd huh? Anyway, its been busy. Already had my first test of the year in Chemistry. meh....it was ok. I did well. So whats up with everyone else? You guys back in school yet?
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Sunday, August 19, 2007

   Back to the grind stone that is school.
Well, Im back, only to leave again. School's starting tomorrow, and Im not allowed on the computer during the week, so maybe I'll get to be on later. Im kinda glad that school's starting again, and Im also dreading it. Im going to be a freaking junior! I dont want to be so close to graduation, now its only 2 years away. I miss the good ol' days of nap time in kindergarten. Now, its all about SAT's and college applications. Bla. So how is everyone else doing?
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

   Animal Abuse!!!!!!
Im so incredibly pissed off it isnt funny. Today when I was walking down to the beach, I saw this thing floating in the water. Guess what it was? A dog pelt. Thats right, some sicko skinned a dog and left its pelt floating in the water. I am aware (even though I dont like it)that some people eat dog. Thats your business. Im just mad that I found the pelt. It still had meat on it and it was fresh, if I had come 20 minutes earlier, I probably would have seen who did it. It just didnt look right floating there, it was skinned so well it still resembled a dog. I buried it deep in the sand. Im still really mad. This is the third dead dog I've seen this summer. The first two were already long dead and bones. Im ok with it because I cant do anything about the dead. But I swear, 20 minutes earlier and I would have found the sicko and given him a piece of my mind. My Mom said to write a letter to the Animal Shelter. I doubt they will do anything about it.
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Monday, July 16, 2007

Bad day
Well, today sucked. My Sister and I went hiking, and she fell and split her knee really badly. She had to get 3 stitches in it. Power went out, and i think Im coming down with a cold....again. ugh. Well, see ya around.
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

   Driving Lession.....Again.
I feel so acomplished, I drove the car around the horse track field by my house twice without crashing. And I stalled the car when I stopped. ^^ I feel so happy! I think my Mom was relieved that I didnt do anymore damage.....But whatever. I did it, and i dont feel afraid anymore. ^^
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My Emo Sasuke. Please feel free to torment.

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Sunday, July 8, 2007

   Live Earth Concert
I've been watching the Live Earth concert on T.V. all day. OMG People, Im so touched, I cant believe how many people are out there rocking to save the Earth. Its beautiful. So any one reading this, listen up. This concert WILL go down in History. Al Gore, Live Earth, all the musicians, we may not remember a few years down the road, but the Concert, and what it means is so so important. So, just try to remember to conserve and recycle and stuff. "Save the Planet Earth, its the only one with chocolate!" Alright, see ya! ^^
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