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Friday, May 11, 2007

   .....Sorry its been so long.....
Hey people, in case you were wondering, Im not dead...yet. I feel like a monster truck has repeatedly run my head over and I think I have the flu...or something. Anyway, Im pumped on juice and meds and I feel like a druggie with all the pills I have to take. My misery aside, school is turning into a living nightmare cause finals are coming up soon. Im pretty happy though, cause once its all over I can spend more time on my computer. ^^ Yay Me. I havent had time to think up anymore poems, but as soon as I do, I'll post em up. So...hows everyone been? Good I hope. Dont get sick. Its the pits.
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Friday, April 27, 2007

I am going to be tramatized for the rest of my pathetic existence. I was telling my Mom about these really annoying cheerleaders at my school that keep bugging me. They wont GO AWAY! So I told my Mom I hate cheerleaders, and guess what? My Mother, my own flesh and blood was...a ...cheerleader!!! AAaarrrrggggg! Then she started laughing at me and told me maybe they like me. MOM! I HATE preppy girls that hang all over you!.....and now that Im done ranting, how was everybodys week?
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Saturday, April 14, 2007

   Long Week of Headaches from Hades
This week has been so long and incredibly sucky.It was boring and I thought my head would split open. The only interesting thing that happened was a girl in my class ran away. She is ok, and she seems to have done it because she broke up for her boyfriend. I was feeling so sick that day,(and all week actually, I have the flu) I wanted to curl up and die, and then everyone starts yelling and screaming and making noise for the rest of the day. My God people, its a bloody island, where the beep are you gonna run! Get over it already. Then I had to deal with this 7th grader on Friday who was stalking my sister and her friends. She said she didnt want to yell at the little boy. I have no such qualms over things like that so I told him to Buzz Off. Sorry if I sound like I'm complaining, but I need to vent somehow....Wow, I think this is like the longest post I've ever put up. I feel a bit better today actually. (in case anyone cares)^^
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Saturday, April 7, 2007

   Happy Easter!
Happy Easter everyone. Hope you guys all have a good day and get some candy. Dont forget though, its not all about the candy, its about spending time with family and remembering Jesus (if you believe in Him, I do at any rate)Have a good Day! ^^
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Saturday, March 17, 2007

St. Patricks Day
Today is St. Patricks Day and it sucked. First, I forgot, and subsequently got pinched and punched for a few hours until the parade started and they threw green beads at us. Well, mine hit me in my eye. (Which still is sore)Then this ancient lady on a float flashed us. My eyes, they bleed! O.0 Dear Lord, how they burn! Then I got beer thrown on me and A bad sunburn. So for you Irish people out there, I'm sorry but St. Patricks Day can kiss my @$$!
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Friday, March 16, 2007

   Report Card.
O.0 Im so bleeping happy the world will drown in my joy.
World History-92

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Monday, March 12, 2007

   The Retards strike Again
Today was so funny. At lunch the boys in my class brought a big bottle of sypup to school and were having a contest on who could drink the most sypup in 15 seconds. A boy named Alex did it for 25 seconds and was about to collapse...I guess he doesnt handle sugar rushes well. ^^
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Saturday, March 3, 2007

   Cool Night
Tonight my Mom took me my sis and a few friends to the point to watch the Lunar eclpse. It was awsome,especially when the moon turned red....And it was even better because Cassandra was there. *blushes. ^^
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My awsome Pet Panda

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Friday, March 2, 2007

   The reatards in my class.

*This boy in my class named Ajaime was arguing with us today about how 'idiot' is spelled. He was swearing on his life that it was spelled with an 'e' and even when we got a dictionary to show him, he said the dictionary lied.....and he is in the 10th grade how again?

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