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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Itatchi Rocks!
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

   Happy Valentines Day! Bla Bla Bla.......And Now,The Real Cause For Celebration......Singles Awareness Day. ^^ Whoo Whoo!! ^^
Here are some messed up Valentines Poems. Enjoy.

* I thought that I could love no other,until,that is,I met your brother.

* Roses are red,violets are blue. Sugar is sweet and so are you,But the roses are wilting,the violets are dead,the sugarbowl's empty and so is your head.

*Of loving beauty you float with grace,if only you could hide your face.

*Kind,intelligent,loving,and hot. This describes everything you are not.

*I love your smile,your face,your eyes. Damn Im good at telling lies.

*I see your face when Im dreaming. Thats why I always wake up screaming.

*What inspired these amourous rhymes? Two parts vodka, one part lime. ^^

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Saturday, February 3, 2007

I was born to the village of sand
A harsh, barren, desert land.
My mother was sacrificed to give me life
Its a thought that cuts through me like a knife.
Why I was here, I couldnt understand
Why wont you comfort me, and hold my hand?
I've grown up a spoiled little brat
I think you can thank my Father for that.
On the day I turned 6 years old
Thats the day my world turned cold.
When all of the assasins came
They were killed, Im to blame.
I took their life before their eyes
Why is this happening? I wanted to cry.
Now all I know is how to hate
Someone teach me to appreciate.
All I live for is to kill
It's become my daily drill.
In all my battles I've barely been scratched
This ability has yet to be matched.
It is because of the monster in me
It's tearing me apart, dont you see?
I'm a weapon for the Village of Sand
They try to rule me with an iron hand.
Perhaps one day my Demon will break free
And it might mean the end of me...
My sanity's slowly fading away
I wonder if I can hold on for one more day.

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Friday, January 19, 2007

The Abuser
Goodbye, you sick, sad man
As you walk out that door
I always saw your twisted plan
But now I hope to see you nevermore
You are being sent away
Because of your horrible crime
I hope that they make you pay
As you go away to do your time
Do you know I still recollect
The horrid memories of you
The pain, abuse and neglect
Deny all you want, you know its true
The bruises and the cuts that you made
That linger all over me
I know one day that they will fade
But I will never be the same, even after therapy
You took pleasure in my pain
As the hot, angry tears rolled down my face
You told me through this torture, strength would I gain
But in your mind, I was only a disgrace
Your beatings carried on for years
You only wanted to see me cry
But I had eventually run out of tears
I only wished to curl up and die
To you my abuser, my dearest Mitch
I have only one thing to say
Well, paybacks are a bitch,
So just you wait until Judgment Day

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Sasuke

Likes: Winning,Being Awsome

Dislikes: Itachi,Losing

Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!

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I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Orochimaru

Likes: Being Evil,Looking like Micheal Jackson

Dislikes: Anything that messes up his plans

Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!

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I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Naruto

Likes: Instant Ramen,Winning

Dislikes: 3 minutes of waiting for the Ramen,Losing

Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

This is a poem that I wrote awhile back...It has special meaning to me, so I hope you like it. It is written from Tanya's point of view.
My Precious Illusion.

It happened on a day in mid-November.
The day was cold and dire.
And it pains my heart to remember
The day I met my hearts desire.
That day was filled with wind and rain.
I was about to board the local train.
And I saw him standing there
It was more than my heart could bear.
To see him clearly lost in the throng
Of people that went on and on.
I went over to him, to offer some help.
But when I touched his arm,he gave a small yelp.
"Oh,Im so sorry." said he
"This crowd makes me rather jumpy."
"Not a problem." said I,then I gave a small sigh
As I saw my train go rushing by.
"Im so sorry, did I make you miss your train?
How rude of me Miss-Um,I dont know your name."
"Its Tanya" I said with a small smile.
"Well Tanya, Im Henry,why dont we sit here for awhile?"
So there we sat until the passing of the rain.
We had gotten well acquainted as we boarded the next train.
Much time has passed since that fateful day.
We dated for a time, and were deeply in love.
Our wedding was planned for 3 weeks into May.
Henry was truly Gods gift from above.
We were married 3 years,happy as could be.
But then fates head thought
To take my darling, my Henry from me.
And when it did I was truly distraught.
Henry was murdered in the dead of night.
Work had run late,I had just arrived home.
The look on his face was one of pure fright.
I thought I would faint,and stiffled a moan.
His blood was gushing like a crimsome river.
His insides sliced open,were scattered on the floor.
There-drenched in his blood-was that the remains of his dinner?
I started to cry,and fled to the door
My poor,weak stomach couldnt handle the gore.
I phoned the police and called 911.
I fervrently prayed that this nightmare was done.
Henry was declared DOA. (Dead On Arrival)
I sat down,head in my handsand started to pray.
Dear God,how could you take my precious love away?
My Henry's funeral was the next day.
It was to be done on a funeral pyre.
I stared,hypnotized,as the flames rose higher.
I saw his flesh simply mely away.
At last, its all over,or so I had thought
Until I got a call from the cops.
It seems that my love had done many wicked deeds.
He was an ambitous drug lord, motivated by greed.
He had mugged an old lady,and left her to her fate.
He had raped 6 children,all under age 8.
He was a gang leader and loved to kill.
With a deathtoll of 27,he killed for the thrill.
I stared at the cop dumbfounded,this couldnt be true.
But the cop had hard evidence,and as I saw the proof I knew...
The lesson of this poem,I hope you can tell
Is to know those close to you,and to know them well.
For eventhough I thought I had known my love
He was a rapist,a murderer,and a dealer of drugs.
Sometimes things are not always as they seem.
Read my poem,and you'll know what I mean.

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