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myOtaku.com: SpecialBuddy

Saturday, April 14, 2007

   Long Week of Headaches from Hades
This week has been so long and incredibly sucky.It was boring and I thought my head would split open. The only interesting thing that happened was a girl in my class ran away. She is ok, and she seems to have done it because she broke up for her boyfriend. I was feeling so sick that day,(and all week actually, I have the flu) I wanted to curl up and die, and then everyone starts yelling and screaming and making noise for the rest of the day. My God people, its a bloody island, where the beep are you gonna run! Get over it already. Then I had to deal with this 7th grader on Friday who was stalking my sister and her friends. She said she didnt want to yell at the little boy. I have no such qualms over things like that so I told him to Buzz Off. Sorry if I sound like I'm complaining, but I need to vent somehow....Wow, I think this is like the longest post I've ever put up. I feel a bit better today actually. (in case anyone cares)^^
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