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myOtaku.com: SpecialBuddy

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

This is for all those who have died during the War in Iraq.
The Soldire.
May Angels lead you in.
Free from this earth and sin.
You were truly a gem on this earth.
Very few here knew your worth.
What is the view like up there?
Is their song and dance in the air?
Now darling, please answer me this.
Is Heaven a place full of bliss?
I know that’s where you’re resting right now.
No more work from the sweat of your brow.
You left in the ‘glory’ of war.
Pointless violence, killing, and gore.
You died for your country, that’s true.
But what has your country done for you?
They sent you over, as a relief force.
Now your dead, but they show no remorse.
I suppose that I’m bitter, it’s true.
But if you were me, wouldn’t you be bitter too?
This war is a pointless thing.
Nothing has come of it but death and killing.
My mourning for you will be loud.
But know in my anguish, I’m proud.
For we will be reunited in death.
Once I’ve taken my last breath.
And Angels will lead me in.
To be with you once again.

This poem was inspired by the quote "Ours is not to reason Why, Ours is but to Do and Die."-Charge of the Light Brigade. I have several friends who'se parents have gone over o Iraq, so this is a tribute to our solidires.

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