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myOtaku.com: SpecialBuddy

Monday, June 25, 2007

Well, I went to the beach yesterday with my Dad. It was really alot of fun. Then a few hours later I noticed my skin felt hot, so I put more sunscreen on. When I got home, my whole back, face, and shoulders were bright red. It hurts to even move. I feel miserable, and I have to keep putting aloe on it every few hours because my skin is absorbing it like a sponge absorbs water. I dont think it will be to bad this time, Ive had worse burns. Well, as a word of advice to everyone-When your in the Caribbean ,Always apply sunscreen for EVERY hour that your in the sun, even if it says it lasts 8 hours or something like that. If you dont, you get the ass burned out of your skin, which leads to skin cancer when your older.
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