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myOtaku.com: SpecialBuddy

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

   Animal Abuse!!!!!!
Im so incredibly pissed off it isnt funny. Today when I was walking down to the beach, I saw this thing floating in the water. Guess what it was? A dog pelt. Thats right, some sicko skinned a dog and left its pelt floating in the water. I am aware (even though I dont like it)that some people eat dog. Thats your business. Im just mad that I found the pelt. It still had meat on it and it was fresh, if I had come 20 minutes earlier, I probably would have seen who did it. It just didnt look right floating there, it was skinned so well it still resembled a dog. I buried it deep in the sand. Im still really mad. This is the third dead dog I've seen this summer. The first two were already long dead and bones. Im ok with it because I cant do anything about the dead. But I swear, 20 minutes earlier and I would have found the sicko and given him a piece of my mind. My Mom said to write a letter to the Animal Shelter. I doubt they will do anything about it.
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