No, not cocaine ya ijit. LOL, if I used cocaine, I'd be a loser.
Cuz drugs ain't cool!
Stay in school!
Go to the pool!
Thread on a spool!
Yeah, I don't know where I get this stuff either. But, anyway, I was just checking my comments. And WOW! FOUR! my popularity is starting back up again. =3
And, I recieved news from a fine young lad, The Next FLCL that my song doesn't quite fit my page....I guess I should change that, eh? It'll be changed by the end of the week, I'll find something I like. don't worry. ;)
now, as for the reason I wrote the title:
"Trombone, girls, and Dangerous Canes."
First up: Trombones.
Well, I recieved good news, good news, bad news bad news, and more bad news about my trombone playing.
GOOD: I'm playing trombone for the Easter Vigil Mass at my parish, I have a solo. :D
GOOD: My JAzz band is going back to the Great East Festival in 6 Flags New England.
BAD: I need a bass trombone for both of those events, not the trombone I currently own.
BAD: Bass trombones cost 1500 bucks.
BAD: in order to get 1500 bucks by the Easter, I'd have to: sell
A Sell my camera, which isn't gonna happen.
B Sell my Trombone, which is DEFINITELY not gonna happen.
C Donate my body to science. eh...maybe?
I am all attached to those things...My body is definitely right up there next to my magic tricks.
I think the girl who I like likes me. and thats good. more news to come.
Well, I can make a cane appear from anywhere. the problem? It threw it by accident the first time I tried it, it hit a shelf, knocking all the merchandise and whatnot off it, scaring a two year old making him cry....:(
I felt bad. But I showed him a quarter trick and made him all happy. :D
Till next time: Asta La Bye Bye!
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Saturday, February 2, 2008
I'm going to be posting some new pictures up in my portfolio soon. I updated in earlier January, so you might wanna check that out if you haven't already. ;)
I'm going to art class today, at 11:00 (AM silly!) and its just about 10:00 now....So I'll be seeing you.
And GRANTINATOR ACTUALLY GUESSED WHAT MY INSTRUMENT IS!!! Its the trombone. you win points towards the cookie jar!
BTW, do you like my new site layout?
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Thursday, January 31, 2008
The past few weeks.
well then, I do believe I owe an explanation for my absence!
First of all, It wasn't my own choice. My computer refused to log on to MyOtaku, and the ones at school wouldn't let me on either. Then, when it finally let me on, everything was so
F@#?ed up that I couldn't tell post from PM. so i waited. and waited. But now, just the other day, I logged on and whammo! My computer lit up to MyOtaku and its full glory.
Now then, as for my daily stuff and whatnot.
Well, I was bombarded with so much homework today I had to skip going to boy scouts. Not much of a problem, Its only twice I've missed all year. (since september, not January 2008 ;D)
Alright then, I think I'll reply to the two comments i got yesterday....wait....TWO comments? I guess I should expect no less. You go away you loose some action. :(
BTW I'm still sadly single. Whenever i try to ask this girl out I freak and go and start doing magic tricks to make up for my stuttering. I'm starting to amaze, and still scare some people. O_O
anyway. Back to the comments:
Le Kun suggested, that as a celebration for my return, why not get a new theme for my site.
Sorry Le, but Kingdom Hearts has been, and always will be, the theme right here. Although...I may change it to one of my own characters. IDK, I'm still in thought.
BTW, I made a movie for someone (you know how i like to make movies) and got payed 100$ for it! I know! 100$ for doing what I do for FUN! Now I know how Paris Hilton feels. *shudders... Paris Hilton...*
I would like to wave to my long lost (about a month) Bretheren, TheGrantinator! For always being so much like me that its scary. And...yet.... I want a root beer float. Here! EVERYONE can have one!
*hums and walks away*
OH! WE finished midterms last week, here are my grades, and believe me, its scary!
Russian: 96
Social Studies: 90
Math: 90
Science: 90
English: 90
Band: 90
Music: 100
the midterm for music was just a Guitar Solo. and the Band Midterm was just playing a solo on my instrument.
Guess what my instrument is, and you win Ten Points towards the cookie jar!
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Awww yeah.
Its me, the wizard you all know and love, back for more Anime obsessiveness! Comments will be here by the score! We'll make jokes about the war! We'll be shot by Micheal Moore!
you catch that? i rhymed. :D *feels smart*
So the musical is coming along nicely, and now that MyOtaku is FINALLY working for me (they must have worked out all the bugs ^_^) I can now browse, search, comment, joke, and do whatever it is I used to do! HELLO MYOTAKU!
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Tuesday, January 8, 2008
OH WOW! what has happened to MYotaku??
wow, I haven't posted for a while!!
Is it just me... or are people not posting NEARLY as much on Myotaku? if its just me. slap me. well, tommorow is my Birthday! I'm officially tunring 14, and I hope it feels better than being 13!
And, on a very happy note: MY ACNE (caused by raging hormones) IS NEARLY GONE!
every day it looks better, but every now and then it looks pretty bad...but then the next day its a LOT better. but, away from the topic of the effects of puberty....
I am now in the broadway (redone in a Junior High School) musical: ONCE UPON A MATRESS!
I play the king..., Sextimus....^^"
I don't talk, because before i can talk, a mouse must devour a hawk.
but back to what i was saying: what has happened to myotaku? it says my NUMBER OF VISITS is locked because its "closed for renevations" and my BG is STILL NOT SHOWING UP!!!
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
some freaking idiot STOLE my trombone. I know i didn't leave it anywhere, cuz It was IN MY CASE!!!and the retard (i rarely use that wod) switched it with an old crappy one. MINE WAS SPECIAL! I've had it since 3rd grade, and it just came back from YAMAHA its brand new!!
On a happier note, Merry Christmas, I hope you guys have as much fun as I'm gonna have! Guess where I'm going?
*drum roll*
DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!
thats right otakuers. I'm packing it up and moving (metaphorically) to Florida.
so I hope you like the new theme of my website, I got a new BG and Song....and my Bg finally works!
I have midterms in January, and i sure am looking forward to that/.... -_-
From the Wiz,
PS: bonus points for whoever can name one danny elfman song!!!
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Thursday, November 22, 2007
Turkey Lurkey Murkey Shurkey!
Break out the turkey, the mashed potatoes, the cranberry sauce, the bread, the gravy *drools momentarily*, the salad, the FAMILY!!!!
Hi everyone I'm spellcaster94 reporting to you LIVE from our very own little village we call Latham, and boy am i excited! its thanksgiving day and my whole family is here, including....drum roll please..... Spirit792!!!!
but theres a hitch.... like background is missing?!?!!! it was working the last itme i checked, but now its....WHITE!!!
what is going on here?! am i losing my mind?
or maybe you're all losing YOUR mind and I'M the sane one?!!?!? *runs around in circles...hits a pole*
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