I'm writing this play/skit/thingamanhoojen, and its pretty funny (its supposed to be) and I was wondering if you wanted to have me post it? if not, then just say you don't care, if you want to, then tell me so in your comment, its that simple. ^^
Anyway, its snowing and we're supposed to get 3 MORE inches of snow+ the 36 we already have!!!
anyway, if you guys are Christian, what are you giving up/ doing for lent? just curious. and I am now accepting all questions except where do I live, cuz I can't tell you. sorry, but you understand, right? here's my number 5 quote on the top ten quotes:
"you'd think she'd never seen a cat with a removable head before." ~Billy.
Oh, and does anyone know two things?
1) what does it mean to get a "vote" on your drawings? cuz I got three for a whole bunch of them I posted.
2) How the heck to I move up from Otakuite?