Finally! the disease is dispersing... I'm not throwing up nearly as frequently, and so I don't forget, thank you, Sonicandtailsrox, for showing me how to do the post update thing. ^_^ So anyway, I'm still not in shcool, cuz I'm still vomitting a little now and then, go figure. O_O
so.... I got a new BG that accomidated the new post box a little more that I chose, and my site kinda flows better. ^_^ but, don't worry, when I'm going to post my story, its not going to be inside the scroll box, it'll be outside it, just so its easier to read. ^_^
anyway.... just cuz I'm as bored as a mongle hoard if the mongle hoard threw boards, someone please ask me questions about me, okay? its a win win situation, I'm not bored, neither are you, and you get to learn more about your favorite wizard!
here are a few questions for YOU:
1) do you think I'm funny?
2)Does anyone here have parents that are super paranoid about Myspace?? mine are...
Oh, and.... don't go into my Archvies. they is all screwy...
P.S, No! I do not have a Myspace.