I'M BACK FROM THE HOSPITAL!!! WOHOOO!!! After four days I'm finally out. ^_______^ for those of you who were worried about me, you guys are real friends. ^^
So anyway, what was wrong with me was my stomach was paralyzed!! O__O It couldn't move or allow anything down cuz it shrank to the size of an apple and hardened that way. so, after gradually working my way up from a feeding tube, to popsicles (^________^) to bread, to finally meat! I still can't eat heavy stuff like ice cream, pie, or soda for another week or so, but I'm getting there. ^^ for those who just HAVE to know the name of it, its called GASTROPAREISUS. and only 200 people in the world have EVER caught it (recorded) so don't worry about getting it. ^^
so... I'm all better for the most part, and I really hope you guys still know I'm alive and love me! ^^
PS could you guys repeat any questions you may have asked me that I never answered? I forgot. ^^"
BTW, how do you get the post text to be left alligned instead of centered?