wow, I haven't posted for a while!!
Is it just me... or are people not posting NEARLY as much on Myotaku? if its just me. slap me. well, tommorow is my Birthday! I'm officially tunring 14, and I hope it feels better than being 13!
And, on a very happy note: MY ACNE (caused by raging hormones) IS NEARLY GONE!
every day it looks better, but every now and then it looks pretty bad...but then the next day its a LOT better. but, away from the topic of the effects of puberty....
I am now in the broadway (redone in a Junior High School) musical: ONCE UPON A MATRESS!
I play the king..., Sextimus....^^"
I don't talk, because before i can talk, a mouse must devour a hawk.
but back to what i was saying: what has happened to myotaku? it says my NUMBER OF VISITS is locked because its "closed for renevations" and my BG is STILL NOT SHOWING UP!!!