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Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Highlight text to read cause the fish is stupid.
Hellos. Uhmm, guess what! :D
Nothing. My mom's been sick and doing taxes for the past few days and made it so she couldn't talk to me. Yay.
But now she's back and... stealing my yaoi. O_o
Seriously. Supposedly it's for her research for writing because she wants to know the kind of things I like to read. Okaaaay? Reminds me of Jiraiya. Creepiness incarnate.
That be all. Hope you're all doing well.
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Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Pssh, I'm leaving this place.
...Not really, but you knew that, right? April Fools. :p
Hm. But I'm really sick of the internet. Call me crazy. It's ruined my creativity. My brother's computer broke a while ago so he's constantly on mine so I've been off the internet a lot but it's actually really good for me. I'm finding inspiration for drawing and writing and I'm pleasure reading for the first time since 5th grade. Everything's great.
So what I'm trying to say is... I dunno. I think there was somebody who cared about this. I'm just not online as much, kay guys? Love you all. Be back after dinner to comment.
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Monday, March 24, 2008
Friends, I come to you with a problem that is in dire need of fixing.
Dandruff. Is driving me nuts. The shampoo doesn't work and I've been so paranoid about it that I''m picking out individual pieces. D: What can I do?? I'll cream my scalp if I have to!
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Sunday, March 23, 2008
Kay, y'know what? I quite trying to finish this layout. It wasn't working.
Yeah, I'm still here. Lots of people seem to have not left MyOtaku and I still lurk here. Might as well come back. The non html ness was awful anyways.
Happy easter to all. Useless holiday besides the candy.
Hmm. So my brother dragged me downstairs to watch dvds a few days ago. And turned me into a total Lord of the Rings fangirl. xD
And when I say fangirl, I mean fangirl. The Frodo guy's face was AMAZING. I fangasmed (if that's a real internet term I will laugh) every time Frodo fainted. I absolutely ADORE his expressions. *pokes his cute worry eyebrows*
Pshh. Okay, sparing you anymore details. But really, giant LotR fan now and I hate fantasy. Better than Harry Potter ever was.
Hope you're all doing well.
Apologize for my mostly unnoticed absence.
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Friday, February 29, 2008
Heyo. I would post over the weekend, but y'know Version Vibrants on it's way and I'm sure everybody will be running around and exploring. Well I am, so I post today.
Well, I've felt great all week (until yesterday) BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT. I found out how to budget my time with homework. :D Gives me less time on the computer. Uhm, I was feeling good until yesterday because I didn't get as much homework done yesterday as I wanted. Went on a social craze and was having pm conversations with 5 people at the same time. Good thing it was on and off.
Speaking of whiiiich... I'm not gonna be accepting any more pms on myotaku if the new VV blog has a pm system. Fill my inbox with pms to myself. Yeah... I'll still post here even if we have a new blog with VV, post in both places, whatever.
I have NOTHING to say. Have you noticed? Love you all, have a great weekend.
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Sunday, February 24, 2008
I had a complete breakdown last night. For an hour I was crying. And when I was done crying I was hyperventilating. And my hands were shaking and I couldn't feel my limbs, couldn't move my limbs and everything was so cold. And my mom still insists nothing is her fault. Even when I was like that she still said it was my fault. At least my dad was sorta arguing with her. I felt so suicidal but I'm better than that. They put me in the bathroom and I considered filling the sink with water and drowning myself, but I'm better than that. Does this make me special now? Am I part of that special crazy teenagers group? Someone tell me I'm special. Someone tell me I'm better than that.
...Nadia. I almost spilled everything about her but my mom would have yelled at me more for that and I don't think I could take it. But I need her here so badly. I need you here Nadia. Ugh. *puts on some more devilish addictive lipgloss*
Be back to comment after I go eat something.
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
God must exist, since he sent me an angel named Nadia.
xD Damn, I really do fall in love again everytime we talk.
Nothing really. My precious much needed three day weekend was eaten by family visitations. I had no time for homework so as a reward meh daddy bought me sushi. Raw fish kind, not the other kind, yay!
English class got me on a poetry high. Effects of the willow boy on brush stroke colored memoirs. Letting you know I'm alive, comment people that already updated in the morning bye.
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Thursday, February 14, 2008
Omigawd everyone! Happy Valentine's day! I feel so spirited! But only because of a certain someone. Love you Nadia!
I ended up finishing my valentine's day project. :)

I'll have you know those were bitches to resize and upload.
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Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Posting two days in a row? Unheard of! So I had to post today instead of yesterday. :D
I wanted to tell everyone I'm not going to be here for a while cause I just got a crap load of stuff to to do. Oh wait... *counts* That would mean I'm just not gonna be around for one day. Pfft, like anyone would notice I was gone.
My hormones are having a party and doing drugs and they're making me feel like poop. There's like a HUUUUGE empty space I needa fill up with something but I don't know what. *shoves a pillow in*
I started up n awful habit again. Actually, I can't remember when I started or when I stopped, all I know is that I'm back to it. I am... consuming. D: And I feel terribly guilty about it. Because there are starving kids in the world. Them and I don't want to get fat. Ahm not yet, but I'm gonna bee if I keep this up. Yesterday it was nerds, today sweet tarts, tomorrow 3 musketeer bars. Oh god.
My aunt and uncle are coming friday, then my other aunt and uncle saterday. The ones coming on saterday would have been coming friday, except their precious daughter (ihatehersomuch) had a school father daughter dance to go to. The girl isn't even attached to her dad, she always clinging to mom. Well it's not like I wanted to see her anyway, I'll have an extra day. Bad thing is, it'll be on my precious saterday.
Lip gloss = horrible addictive devilish stuff.
*puts more on*
It's reeeally cold here. Uhbuhbuhbuh shiver. I've been writing emo poetry about winter. xD It's funny. Here's one that's not really emo, but it's wintery.
The lonesome bare trees
Covered in blankets of snow
Were not warm last night
:D *claps* It's a haiku from fifth grade and my pride and joy. Because the bare trees are covered in snow, and blanket contradicts the not warm part. Nevermind.
So long fare well~
I'mmuna go make milkshakes.
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Sunday, February 10, 2008
Wow, surgical separation. xD Everything is going fuzzy!
Hello everybody. I should really pledge to post at least once a week, dontcha think? Site's not finished yet, still trying to work out some stuff. Like how to move the box in the intro a little to the right and get it in line with the post. Gonna add some more stuff too, but I dunno if it'll be changed with VV.
I'm running out of time for my Valentine's Day project. Nuuuu! I've made ONE heart. T^T Homework needs to die so I can make heart puppies and storks and paint popsicle sticks and stuff.
Civics midterms blech.
Ahh! Help meee! It's really windy outside and the computer screen is shaking. O_O House is gonna faaaaaaaall!
Mm. I got nothing else. Right now I'm really into (nonexistent) fantasy anime. I want something more like .hack. Maybe not really the story, but the great character designs. I'm watched Utawarerumono and am watching Touka Gettan right now. If anyone has anything else, send it my way?
Have a great Sunday.
And she sits back to read what is written and realizes she is deep in a monster called denial.
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