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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Hey guys. I'm so happy. I got a huge upgrade from Windows ME to XP. yay, dance with me. I got some jokes from teachers and friends.
Life is like a bowl of cereal. Take out the fruits and the nuts and you're left with the flakes.
You're pretty........stupid.
You're funny.........looking.
There were three kitties that liked to ice skate named Un, Deux, and Trois. One day the ice broke and un deux trois quatre cinq. Did you get that?
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Thursday, March 8, 2007
I have a lot to say today. Pick and choose what you wanna read. First, thanks for the suggestions. I came up with my own excuse if she ever finds it. I figure it's safe after a few months.
1) At the begining of the year we met this new guy that had cowlicks on the back of his hair like Sasuke, so we called him that. Then he started saying that Lizzy was his girlfriend. She liked him too but they never said anything. He made her feel good and not her normally depressed self. Then he got a real gf!!! She wanted to make him suffer and remember it all day... so she dumped a bottle of water on him. xD jerk, served him right. He didn't even know what it was for. jerk I give him nasty stares in the halls now.
2) Now MY crush. I've liked him for like a year now so just when I decided I was gonna tell him, he stops showing up at Tae Kwon Do. >:( So I'm pretty disappointed, but my brother and me came out one day and said "(insert name here) likes you. Me: !!!? He gave me his phone number yesterday... I dunno.
Meh, love life can be boring, I wanted to say something else, but you're probably tired by now. :) Hope you had a good day.
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Tuesday, March 6, 2007
We were going to get new glasses for me (they make me look ugly, but i'm not gonna stick things in my eyes) and stopped by a bookstore on the way. Since my parents are sick and tired of manga I bought a .hack novel and a Gravitation novel. I wouldn't dare buy the manga 'cause I KNOW my parents would get suspicious, I thought the novel would be all right. So now it's sitting on my bed, I flipped through it and found a... picture. *cough*yukiinshuichispants*cough* oh damn. Nothing wrong, but my mom is coming home in a few hours, she'll want to know what I got. And she's the kind to flip through my books when I get new ones. Any quick advice/ideas?
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Monday, February 26, 2007
Minyatto gets cookies. Congrats, you guessed right. His urge to eat saftey pins was a mental disorder. Pica, where you wanna eat non-edible things like dirt or raw foods. So I guess it's ok.
For people who watch it, what do you think of Tsubasa? I started yesterday, on episode 9 now. Y'know, the pairings are basically all set up for you (Kurogane Tomoyo, Syaoran Sakura, Fai Chii) and I still managed to find a shonen-ai pairing. Am I obsessed?
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Friday, February 23, 2007
I think I have briefly mentioned my friend's idiot boyfriend in a previous post... He's in the hospital right now, and I have no sympathy for him. Wanna know why? He Swallowed Safety Pins. omfg, We thought he was stupid before. Why (and how) the f- would anyone swallow a safety pin??? haha I wonder how safe they really are! *eats* And she's all, Oh I'm sure he had a reason, I wanna hear what he has to say. I slapped her. She says she might break up with him. Joy to da world
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Monday, February 19, 2007
HIYA! I went to New Jersey for the weekend and have returned to tell of my adventures. >:)
Was visiting my cousin. She's... 8 now. I'm her only girl cousin on this side of the family so she adores me. And I hate/am scared to death of little kids. She kissed my brother and made him cry! She kissed me too... We made a deal, she wouldn't kiss me as long as I took her side on everything. -_- plus, She's so girly and it just kills me. um, We sledded on flattened cardboard boxes! fun... But I got a BarnesandNobles gift card from her. It had Eloise printed on it. Oh my favorite, I said sarcastically (she doesn't know sarcasm). We went to the bookstore, me and my dad went to check out manga. He started picking out shonen-ai wrapped in plastic because of mature content. xD
Kay, there was more with my cousin, but I can't think. I don't have questions at the bottom of my posts, but feel free to... talk about stuff. y'know, What do you think of your cousins, Did you drag your parents into the manga section etc.
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's day everybody! I love you all~! *kisses*
But it's a snowday, so I don't get to hand out Valentines...
Thankies again to BloodWolfMoria for the poem. Visit her
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Saturday, February 10, 2007
Hihi, what's everyone doing for Valentine's Day? I'm making flowers out of candy hearts for all my friends.

Cute, ne?
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Monday, February 5, 2007
We were playing a sort of tag game in our short monday gym period. So I was chasing this jerk/idiot/insert nasty name here. He like ran right into the wall and I was chasing him and my mind was stiil in tag mode........O_O and I grabbed his ass. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~!!!!!!! I don't think anyone noticed though. >_>
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Friday, February 2, 2007
When I'm not with my friends and having fun, I must say I look pretty emo. And it's attracting guys. O_o There are three of them in gym (which I hate and suck at), and they're all nice to me. They support me, encourage me, cheer me on, say hi in the halls, everything. >///< It's sorta nice and sorta strange at the same time. And someone else in journalism too. He picks on me in a nice-ish way. Called me 'a beast'. I'm pretty sure that's a good thing, but can anyone tell me what it means?
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