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Penslvanya, in the crappy U.S.A
Member Since
I ate something other than popcorn
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
to many to say
To rule all of Thunder
gaming & My danagic The Gathering c&c online and training with my bow staff and scys
eating popcorn^_^
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
New E-mail / Dont PM me
I got a new E-mail ( my hotmail
addresses wont work) its
And dont try to PM me because It
stopped working for some odd reason
( I know this because a friend said
he PM me yesturday and I didnt get
it), so if you want to contact me
ether leave it in a post comment
or use My E-mail
Ok im board

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Monday, January 10, 2005
Falling Behind
Its been awhile since I was last
here, IM so behind on scool and
banners(sorry) my step bro left
yestarday( poo) so I should be getting back on track here, oh I got
a new game called Front Mission4 its
really cool you play as Mechs on
whats almost I game board, its realy
cool, I try to get to every ones sites today
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
Cool movie/ Behinde
We went to wal-mart to get my brother
a new PS2 memory card and I saw the
second Inuyasha movie there so I had
to buy it, it Is soo cool! and as
always Miroku just dosnt learn (aboat 4 times in the movie he tried
to "you know what" on Sango) but the
movie was great.
and my bro brought up a movie called "clerks" the animated seris
its hallirios(mix south park family guy and FLCL in a blender)
Sorry to all the people who are
still waiting for their banners,
Iv just been so out of it latly
stupid manga idea I had a weird
dream last night for a manga panle called
" Miroku complanting
You just see Miroku looking head-on with his right hand as he is slowly removing the cloth thing

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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
Has anyone ever played Oni for the
PS2? It hard as hell but I think
its fun.
MY bro beat me 4 more time in Magic
so I beat him in Texas-hold-em (
type of poker game)
Anyway I accidently joined the most
powerful crew in thunde
r arena(YAY) so Now nobody has
messed with me in a while
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
my step bro came up from FL ( i live in PA ), he just beat me in magic 8 times in a row!
well sorry I have not been to you guyes sites in a while
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Happy New year!
YAY its 2005, iv been playing
thunnder arena all night, I just
became a hitman and A bank-hacker,
and a muderer. Well i may have
second thougths aboat that Inuyasha
game it is pretty fun but, I you
played pokemon for game boy not much
has changed, inu and poke are pretty
much the same just a differnt theme
YAY my mom is finaly buying
Photoshop element pluse
It says that i can my my own
animations too YAY and some better
banners for F.A.N and Catch A
Character(thanks leting me help
you, HLW )
New years party,
Well before I started playing thunder arena we whatch I, Robot
it was sooo good,
* Crash Bang boom* Oh NO my mom is
soo drunk gat-A-go bye
( fire transmutation circle)

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Thursday, December 30, 2004
cool website/ OB
i found a cool site its a RPG
If you join that site, your welcome to join my crew
my username: Naked_jenhuty
my crew: Hell Gunners
Otaku boards,
I hate the OB the monaraters act
like where not people did they
ever think that maby just mabey we
write short posts because WE HAVE
just a little pissed right now
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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Long Day
My school let out early, and of chourse my parents are not home so all the doors are locked
( I just got in through the basement
window) well anyway, I have untill
friday to write a three page science
report on a random topic of my
choice, and a five-page report on
the civil war " What would happen if
the south side of the U.S.A won"
whitch will be so much fun
Well i have to go write those reports, bye
Parting words,
Nothing ruins good parenting
like teenagers- A tee-shirt i saw
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Not good / games that suck/ not going to ha...
that tsunami that hit on sunday moved the tectonic plates 100 some feet( tectanis plates more 1-2 inches a year, at max 3). All we can do morn,
Games that suck:
as good as they look dont buy Inuyasha secret of the cursed mask,
and ghost recon2, (I got a 150 dollar gift card for best buy and got those two games), With inuyasah the game itself is good but all you do is just talk to people for six hours and for Ghost Recon2, its just impossible you play wit your character all the way to the left of the screen instead of 1rst or 3rd person veiw
Not goin to happen:
the anime jobs is proboble not going to happen, sorry. I just have so much crap to get together and my step bro is coming up the first so not much comp time,
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Monday, December 27, 2004
Holy shiz $#@%
If you didnt hear aboat the earthquake that wiped out 20,000 people check out this site
(copy and paste)
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