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Penslvanya, in the crappy U.S.A
Member Since
I ate something other than popcorn
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
to many to say
To rule all of Thunder
gaming & My danagic The Gathering c&c online and training with my bow staff and scys
eating popcorn^_^
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
Merry christmas...
every body! hope you get all the aniome and manga( and other stuff) that ya'll want!
Partings words:
I can Feel your Fear...OH wait I think thats just gas- spike bebop
Comments (9) |
Friday, December 24, 2004
Anime Job / thanks...
first, sorry the anime job banners are takeing so long, i just have so much other stuff to do.
And before i end this post
I want to say thank you to everyone who has helped me and
been my friend ever since I joined, below is just a few names that have helped
me greatly in many things:
Blue Hawk
Chocobo Gene
God of Death
Great Destroyer
Me Luv Kyo Kun
spike bebop 1991
vic viper
Vile fantom
and to all the people who have joined FANFAF, SF&OH,Anime jobs, and catch a character,
and so many more people
Comments (2) |
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Short post
ok sorry I havent been posting and checking out everyones sites, but i have a good reason, FLU! im just getting over it now.
anyway can anyone see the BG of my site(because i cant)
here are some alchemy circles:



raising the dead

there is more but my comp is giving me a hard time
Comments (13) |
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Anime Job / i just noticed
I just got a stupid idea, (if a good amount of you like it ill start the club) Anime jobs you can have any "Job" you want from a gundam pilot, to an Alchemist, to a bounty hunter ETC. just subbmite your reseme,
1) what do you want to be?
2) what type?
3) how many episodes have you seen
(Example answers)
1) I want to be an Alchemist
2) I want to be a Flame alchemist
3) 7-8
what do you guys think?
the # of episodes dosnt realy matter I just put that in there to give the thing bulk.
I Just noticed I got my anime insider mag yesterday and they had an artical on FMA and it was aboat the differnt circles that they use.
( i try to post them tommorrow)
Comments (9) |
Monday, December 20, 2004
stupid fun/ what BG for january
here a stupid joke that im makeing up as i go along,
You know your the computer to much when:
1) your rewrite-ing something, and you start looking for the copy & paste button. ( im gulity of the this)
2) your mailing address is in HTML
3)For vacation you make a new web page
4)the word "nerd" dosnt bother you anymore
5)Free time means- yahoo chat room
6)all your clothing has images that you made from a computer program
7)You computer is broke you walk,bike,jog etc. to the nearist public computer
8)your theapist needs therapy.
( i know mine dose^_^ )
9) you understand what im talking aboat
What BG should I use top, middle or bottom?

Parting words:
Do it for love, because its harder to sell that you think- Gary Panter
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
christmas party blah
last night My "rich"( and greedy) aunt had a employee christmas party and I was also invited, the most boring 4 hours of my life, the only good thing was some radio DJ named Jumppin Jeff Walker was there,(who is he anyway) my sis likes him so I got his autogroph as an early X-Mas present.
well anyway today looks like the last day for bikeing so im going to go break my leg on the ice^_^
NOOO last night's FMA was soo sad if you missed it heres the sad part,
Tucker fused his dauter and the dog in a chimara and you then learn his first chimara was his wife, but that episode was soo sad....
Comments (9) |
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Total Visits: 929
Popularity Ranking: # 480
Guest Book signing: 345
thank you every one who has come to my site and being my friend^_^
^_^ &_& *_* !_! +_+ =_= @_@ #_#
$_$ %_% O_O O_o H_H :P _-_ -_-
-.- A_A Q_Q <_> >_> <_< ^=^
( dont ask aboat the letters)
Video code provided by KEKAI BOY
Comments (4) |
Friday, December 17, 2004
Writing tips please
could someone give tips on writing a story? ( iv never written one and now im trying to get starteed on Metal Slug User Nami)
Comments (6) |
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Back early
ok i finished my school work ahead of time so now im back, YAY(or boo).
they are slacking on witch hunter robin last night the japanses-english translators messed up, the said Kurasuma and Dojema's japanses names.
Video code provided by KEKAI BOY
Comments (6) |
Monday, December 13, 2004
Well this is my last post untill the end of december ( I have alot of school to catch up n-_- ) SO first off MERRY CHRISMAS,
second off I bougt Vol.1 of case closed manga
( did you know that some book store "age-rate" you, you have to be so old to manga I got case closed by the skin off me bum( Its for 14 and up and when I told her my age she said I looked Mature enoughto get it )
check out this site when you have time
its a cool site if you want anime lyrics
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