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Penslvanya, in the crappy U.S.A
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Friday, December 10, 2004
Metal Slug user Nami & the birth of S.F & O.H
first off I started anther club its like blue hawk's otaku guardains, for more info click the link above this post.
If you have time to read below and tell me what you think ( be honest) this is just some info if every one likes it ill work on the story
Opening theme: Eve of death
Some where
Some how
Some thing is coming down
The world as we know it is coming to an end
The only one that can save us
Metal Slug user Nami
End theme: eve of life
The ideal-alist enemy
Dosent know what to see
They are being controlled
And the only one that can save them
Metal Slug user Nami
year: 2086
Stuff: we met other humans and odd aliens outside of our universe, we have space travel,
and many military advances
Basics: A type of metal called Metal Slug is used to make bullets knifes and other weapons, but there is one draw back . Only those who have the Metal Slug element Naturally in their blood can use these weapons, Metal Slug bullets and knifes can cut/pierce through anything except energy shields
Basics2: To get the M.S element in your blood naturally is unknown.
And why only people with the M.S element can us it is also unknown
Basics3: Alien beings called the drownen ( Dro-nen) despise Metal Slug users because 100 years earlier a Metal Slug user en-slaved their planet, and now the seek revenge
Basics4: a metal slug user can transform any item into a Metal Slug by saying METAL SLUG name of what they want it to turn into, and there are weapons that are made of Metal Slug which are more powerful
and more stuff I cant tell you^_^
Character & races:
NAME: Nami Yaski ( Na-me) ( Ya-ski)
Race: Enhanced human
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Quote: they world itself is passing us by, and all we can do is wave good-bye
Status1: main character
Status2: Metal Slug User
Side: earth(good)
NAME: Shell Mak (shell-mack)
Race: Drownen
Age: 137
Sex: Male
Status1: Main bad guy
Status2: Drownen commander
Side The Drownen (bad)
NAME: Lisp Yaski ( Lis-p) ( Ya-ski)
Race: Human
Age: 14
Sex: Female
Status1: Co-main character
Status2: Nami’s fumbling little sister
Side: earth
NAME: Kesk Mesokawa ( Kes-k) (Me-so-cow-wa)
Race: human
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Status1:Minor character
Status2: Nami’s boyfriend
Side: Neutral ( no involved)
Name: Shell Tai ( shell-Tae)
Race: Drownen
Age: 100
sex: male
Status1: Minor character
Status2: Shell mak’s second in command
and many more
Weapons & bullets:
( Nami’s weapons)
NAME: Hell Fire
Bullets: Metal Slugs
Size: 9 millimeter
Rounds: 12
Range: Short
Speed: semi-auto
NAME: Metal Sniper
Bullets: Metal Slugs
Size: 22 Caliber
Rounds: 10
Range: long
Speed: semi auto
NAME: Metal Slug Blade
Length: 6inches
Made of: Metal Slug
Range: close
NAME: Kel Mai (kel-my)
Bullets: Energy Blasts
Size: 2feet across
Rounds: unlimited
Range: any
NAME: Zazer gun
Bullets: electric energy
Size: 6inches across
Rounds: unlimited
Range: close
Speed: auto
Stun or kill depending on power level
(In General )
M-12 multi-function
Bullets: Regular, shotgun-Metal Slug
Size: 30Caliber
Rounds: 3 shotgun shells, 50 machine gun/metal slugs
Range: Any
Speed: optional
and there is more stuff that I havent thought of yet^_^
here is a pic of some or the weapons ( there are just toys I pulled out of the closet

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Thursday, December 9, 2004
Im testing something

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Education on myO
today is starting out sooo slooowww,
Well guess what I just passed my HTML test yesterday (I would have failed if I didnt come to myO and leanred it)
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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
I dont know what to post oh my god oh yes I do,
last night I finaly got in to a deep state of meditation, and I heard like a loud echoing scearm, and there was nobody in the house at the time (they went shoping) i dunnno maby Im just going crazy. what do you think,
( due to a earlry atical no im not wicccan but i will defend that wicca is a religion its something we belive in so dont down us) (please this is no intended to be offencive but if you think it is you may want to leave)
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Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Talk aboat strick, I forgot to put one glass in the dishwasher, so now I have it for a whole week, blah
outwar keeps crashing ( I hope its fixed by the end of the month before would be nice)
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Monday, December 6, 2004
bluedemonboy got me addictited to outwar (say good bye school work), yesterday was odd it snowed then STOPPED then snowed and so-on for 2-3 hours.
Oh the new Jet Li movie Hero, it was horrible the whole movie was a recap of his memory
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
ugg again
its fricken 1AM and I cant sleep so ill post, has anyone ever thought of a myO time zone? like a random time to put on so that way there is less confustion?
Someone told me aboat outwar its a kinda RPG and the only way to get bigger is for someone to click on a site so
( you will have to copy and paste that Im haveing a hard inkige time)
if you want to help me out. Please?
Oh yeah merry early christmas
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Saturday, December 4, 2004 sucks
well I posteted this two days ago but Ill post part of it now To the yaro who reported 5 of my walls you going to DIE
second ive got a head ach beoned all hell
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Friday, December 3, 2004
its finaly here its friday time to go poke some dead people yay, im soo tired my little brother woke me up at 2AM and said he saw a "monster" and wouldnt go back to bed untill i read him aboat 5 books, and after I read them he tries to read them so the took an hour. (gata give him credit though)
here a screen shot of the cowboy bebop game

give spikebebop more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
Ill get you, you yaro
Someone reported my wall And I think I know who did it, if your reading this I dont know why you reported this but you will die now then sek-si
( yes ill admit that the one was not mine but if you read the comment in it I said it wasnt mine and if it bothererd you PM me and I would delete it) Your going to die
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