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myOtaku.com: spirasummoner

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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bballergrl (08/05/06)

hey i like ur site im a friend of anjeleines check out my site sometime!

anime sorceress (08/04/06)

I love your bg! It's very neat! ^^ Drop by my site sometime, k? I'll add you as a friend. TTYL! ^-^


dragonhunter1042 (07/29/06)

hey awsome site you your an artist thats cool wish i could see some of your work well stop by site sometime and im a add you as afrnd ok pm sometime ttyl

Sessy514 (07/27/06)

Nice site you have here.........I like it. Feels like home. You should stop by mine sometime and then if you want, we can chat or whatever. Later!

~The Great Destroyer~

Some Loser (07/25/06)

thanx for signing my guest book and i love your site and your art

hotttceresmaiden (07/03/06)

hi i love your site its so "cool" sorry always wanted to do that. *sorry if i spell this wrong* The Tidus and Yuna background is nice.

Leiko Yume (06/28/06)


I love you background I have been looking for that picture everywhere. I too love your color scheme I have to admit, I have a weakness for water and that includes anything of aqua color. I added you as a friend, come see me sometime.


hyprid6wolf (06/28/06)

hey nice site, the f.f. series iz pretty cool, i think f.f.8 was the best in my opinon.
anyway stop by my sie sometime and hope we can be good friends^-^

ElvesAteMyRamen (06/27/06)

SQWEE!!! Sorry, I need to screech when Tidus is present.^_~ Anyway, thank you for stopping by my site and signing my guestbook! 'Tis much appreciated! *bows*

And thanks for your compliments about my artwork as well! I'm glad you like it. you have really nice drawings too!*wise nod*

Anyway, you seem like a great person, so I hope to keep seeing you around!^_^


Fantasy Hearts (06/26/06)

Wow I like your site!!!! Very pretty color selections, too. Above everything the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts game series are my favorite and my otaku site is dedicated to them so come check it out! I'm actually currently working on beating X-2...that game is pretty darn easy as Final Fantasy games go, but it's sooooo much fun with all of the dresspheres and whatnot! I'm loving it! Well, later.

~ Fantasy Hearts

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