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to be famous, i dont care at what but i want to be famous
softball, drawing, writing storys, acting, reading.
im very good at acting, and reading, and im a star player on my softball team. im not so sure about writing storys because i dont get many ppl to read them often.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, May 9, 2005
my emotions in pictures:

My best friend and i finally talked it out, i think she is still a little mad at me but it beats her not talking to me by a million miles. i was so happy when she started talking to me ^_^, im no longer able to mope around school.
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
Horrible dream
My emotions in pictures:

I was talking to my best friend, and she showed me she was not sucked into her internet, and that she was mad at me for other reasons, im still lost in my nightmare, and it doesnt seem to be ending. last night i had a dream that i was really old and shrivled, i woke up around 7;30 and told my husband i was meeting (my best friends name) at the market and that we were going to go bargain hunting, then afterwards we would go get some sugerfree icecream. well then i saw me sitting on a bench infront of an old target, and i was just sitting there with no one beside me. i sat there for hours, people would come by and ask me if i was alright and i said yes im just meeting my best friend here today, shell be here soon. in my dream that happened like 5 times. it became dark, i was still sitting there, with no one beside me. then finally i went home and lied in bed, and then i saw me wake up again and do the exact same thing. over and over again i saw this, then my dream.....when it was 7:30.....i didnt wake up............ but i woke up for real with tears streaming down my eyes. well Ill stop with the sob story.
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
My emotions in pictures:

Everything is going okay with the perverted guys, but now i feel i have lost my best friend, and its tearing me up so bad. i feel she is being sucked into her internet world and leaving me behind. The other day she turned down going to the dance, and her reason was she had better things to do like get on the internet, and that really pissed me off. i need her to come back, to get out of her fantasy world. and there is no way i can help.
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
My emotions in pictures:

I have decided that im not going to let them do that, they were doing that to my friends and she told the coach and i look up to that so im going to tell if they do it again. im not kidding this time.
Ja Ne
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
my emotions in pictures:

hi all, what i meant by the perverted boys yesterday was that they kept grabbing my butt and even my boobs and it was realy pissing me off but.........i just cant tell on them, well n e way like i said about being rushed, im being rushed right now GOSH i cant wait until school gets out. 3 WEEKS ^_^!!!!!!!!!!! okay wel ttyl
Ja Ne
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
My emotions in pictures:

(mderate/not sad)
Hey everyone, im sry i cant really get to eveyones site today, im in kind of a rush right now to hurry up and finish typing, because my sister wants to get on *_*. well ill try to get on later and visit everyones site. Well today was the same as always, lots'o HW and so many perverted guys in my class T_T. lol ill explain later. well ttyl.
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
My emotions in pictures:

(really happy)
OMG, i cant believe in just one day i was able to fix up my site, that is so cool. i think i got to visit everyone yesterday and if i didnt im really sry. AHHHHHHHHHH I CANT BELIEVE IN FULL METAL ALCHEMIST THAT GUY DIED, I LOVED HIM SO MUCH GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR THAT SHOW IS MESSED UP, i was crying it was so sad. well ttyl
Ja Ne
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Saturday, April 30, 2005
My emotions in pictures:

i have been working on my other site for so long i forgot about this one lol. well im going to fix it up and start over again ^_^. well im sry for not visiting you guys, ive just been doing alot of things that take all of my computer time. i think it will be better now tho ^.^
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Friday, March 18, 2005
News you should know!
Good day everyone,
This is SpiritAngel's friend, Unspoken Memories, or better yet, Kira. *lol* SpiritAngel isn't here now because she is on a camping trip, but will be back Saturday, or Sunday. Just brief information to you all. ^-^ Well, time for bed. I'm tired, and this isn't helping. *lol* Night, night!
Later days,
~Unspoken Memories
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Thursday, March 17, 2005
hmmm, how to start this post. OH my friend made a new site it is called unspoken memories. go check it out for her ok ^_^. and there is really nothing else to talk about. im just bored the whole spring break now. well ttyl
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