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Friday, December 10, 2004

   HI HI!!
Well theres not much going on and sorry I havent posted on for a while.I WAS really busy.Anyway I have a winter concert at my school and Im really nervous!!@!!BLAH!!! seriously I am very nervous, this is my first time performing with my flute on a stage!And I need to pratice more! Our class is very behind and i still need to pratice more.And its very hard playing "My Dreydl" that song is VERY hard! Getting the rythym is hard for me.-_-; Yup,anyway my sister thanks all of you that cared so much about her!(from when she got hit on the head ^_^) lol, So i cant wait for tha holidays! So many presents!lol
Nah,not really, its all about the togetherness and happiness everyone gets for not going to work (or school) ^_^lol. So have a nice day!!

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Friday, November 26, 2004

   When TURKEYS (accuatly tree branches) attack!
Happy late Thanksgiving!Well yesterday (at the Thanksgiving party)my sister got hit with a tree branch (lmao!!)just go read her post its funny^^.So anyways Ion my flute test I think I did preety ok, even though I messed up on a note XD it was really hard if you ask me.So b-bai's for now!(wow that was short T_T)
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Friday, November 19, 2004

   Hi hi
Weeell things with Veronica are kinda cooling off..she's starting 2 say hi 2 me at skool for some reason...my sis thinks she's up 2 something... I dunno but im still gonna keep a eye on her just in case. ^_~

Anyway, school has been going a bit better now,my grades are getting better and my flute tests are going very good so far 2..muhahahahaha I luv my flute =^__^= I keep on annoyinng people with it~

Ok,well theres not much 2 post on today so b-bye.*is acting weird today* T_T

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Sunday, November 14, 2004

OK,sum weird things are
happening at skool, my
ex-bestfriend Veronica is
talking crap about me at
skool thats not true at ALL.
And my sis tried talking 2 her
and she wont listen!I mean Veronica's older sister and my
sis are good friends and both
of them tried talking 2 her and all Veronica ends up doing at
the end, is that she tells my
sis that if she talks 2 her one more time, she's gonna snitch on her that my sis has been doing
bad stuff 2 her!Blah!!!I mean we were really good friends last year and the begining of the year, and then I can't remember when!,she started getting all mad at me for one stupid reason!
Well it all started last year
when her and her cuz got in a fight, (they were both my friends)and then I started crying that I might of lost both of my friends and then I got Veronica in trouble for me crying even tho I wasn't really involved in this.Well days later her and her cuz became friends again and Veronica FORGAVE me for getting her in trouble.And guess wat? She just got mad at me for that reason!That made no sense!!
And know Im kinda worried on
what she might do 2 me... o_O

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Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Hello!Well sorry for not posting on much I was REALLY busy!You cant imagine!^^ Well first off, I still dunno wen the Basketball try outs on, and im not even sure that were gonna have a team this year...bla bla blah bla ble... Okie, And I still need 2 finish my P.E. project and Im getting more homework.Blah, I hate skool well its the homework I hate T_T it takes up 2 much time. Well another thing, FMA ish on! yay! Its such a good anime even tho I only watched the first episode!I mean its SO good and im getting addicted 2 it or something lol.Well as my sis might of posted on her site, We were running around like CRAZY ,not that we already were :P Well and it got me kinda hyper and may b I might change my Bg 2 an FMA Bg,Im not sure yet tho.Well anyway i gots 2 pratice my flute b-cuz I ahve a flute exam today at band...Blah
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Friday, November 5, 2004

Hellos!Im sooooo bored...school is torturing me with homework again,especially science wich is my least favorite subject >_<

Well heres a tiny poem that some of my friends and me made fer halloween but I never had the chance 2 post it up...

There once was a clown that was evil,
He used 2 work for Caniivel(ummm that duude who was called evil canneevil but i think i spelled his name wrong)
He threw him a pie that blew up his eye,
And that was the end of Caniivel.

Well i know it kinda suks but me and my friends were REALLY bored.Well i gots 2 keep on workin on mores funny poems...

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Sunday, October 31, 2004

   Happy Halloween yall!
hopefully evryone wont get a stomach ache! he he!

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Friday, October 29, 2004

Hi!Not much has been goin around here.And im not friends with
this gurl named Veronica
anymore.. I mean I knew her
since 5th grade and for some reason shes pissed off at me (sorry fer the bad language)and
I havnt done anything bad 2 her either.And i started crying becuz of that...I know it kinda stoopid But im just sensitive that way.
Well anywayz I hopes you haves
a Happy Haloweeeeeeeeen!!!!!!!!

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Sunday, October 24, 2004

Hello!I still dinno wen their gonna have basketball try and I wanna join SO badly! Basketball is like my favorite sport!Man! I dunno wat 2 do now!Im 2 shy 2 ask...OmG i need help of overcoming my fear!(of not being shy of course)blagh balgh bla!umm... okie then...
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Friday, October 15, 2004

   Hello peoples!

Hows it goin?Me? Im fine just tired from going 2 skool thats all.And i need 2 find a way 2 join the basketball team in my skool because i donno wen there gonna have the try-outs I mean I REALLY wanna join. well i c wat I can do T_T

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