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myOtaku.com: SpiritofthaKandy

Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2004

   -_- *yawn*
Hi!Im very sorry i havent post up for a long time X3 my comp gots a lil' problems
And todays subject..skool*dun dan dan dun*
Me hate skool!to much work well its early and im still sleepy-couldnt sleep at all.*yawn* hopefully i wont go 2 sleep at class 2 day.....

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Friday, October 1, 2004

Hi!like this place totaly changed! it scared me and my sister and we went WHOA! *o* so this place and the people r really nice (im copying wat my sis said tha first day muhahaha)i think i might stay here fer a while^_^
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Sunday, September 26, 2004

I am new here and I hope everybody enjoys my site cuz i worked so hard on it (with some help XD)and I want 2 thank my sis who I think is watchin me type behind my back *turns around 2 make sure*
anyways i thank my sis fer making me this account! *jumps around like a maniac*
Well thanks fer comn by and i hope u enjoy!

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