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myOtaku.com: SpiritofthaKandy

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Hello!Well sorry for not posting on much I was REALLY busy!You cant imagine!^^ Well first off, I still dunno wen the Basketball try outs on, and im not even sure that were gonna have a team this year...bla bla blah bla ble... Okie, And I still need 2 finish my P.E. project and Im getting more homework.Blah, I hate skool well its the homework I hate T_T it takes up 2 much time. Well another thing, FMA ish on! yay! Its such a good anime even tho I only watched the first episode!I mean its SO good and im getting addicted 2 it or something lol.Well as my sis might of posted on her site, We were running around like CRAZY ,not that we already were :P Well and it got me kinda hyper and may b I might change my Bg 2 an FMA Bg,Im not sure yet tho.Well anyway i gots 2 pratice my flute b-cuz I ahve a flute exam today at band...Blah
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