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myOtaku.com: SplendorSeal

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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jockie1203 (09/22/05)

I love you site.Kingdom hearts is so cool.Teia said I should visit your site because it was really cool, and wow he wasn't lying.I really like.I hope you dont mind if I add you as a friend.Keep up the great work.:D

kate-chan (09/22/05)

hey nice site
thenx for visitin mine
ceap up the good work

Karumichan (09/22/05)

Hi! Thanks for signing the guestbook.
Really cool site. I'll add you as a friend, and hope to see you around. ^_^
Glad you like Goku the best, btw. Everyone like Hakkai. >_>
ANyways, ciao!

Sakura 01 (09/21/05)

i dont know why i'm signing yur gb. i hate chain mail. plz dont ever send it to me again. i would like us to be friends, cuz yur site is really kool and u seem kool too. we have basically the same interests, just stop with the chain mail >_> well i'm gonna add u and i hope u come to my site and add me too. sayonara -sakura

Hizuara (09/21/05)

Hiya SS!

You have an awesome site! Really! *sparkly eyes* Oooh! I love Kingdom Hearts! And Final Fantasy! My favorite characters are Sora, Riku, Leon/Squall, Cloud Strife, Vincent, BHK.. and those silver haired guys from Advent Children ^ ^

I'm gonna add you as a friend, okay? Bye!

KHAnimeGrl (09/21/05)

Awesome Site! I added u as a friend as well. We do have a lot in commin! wow!

TimTwins13 (09/20/05)

SWEET site! luv it, awsome art. id comment on it all but on school nights i only get an hour on my computer. lol neways im gonna add u as a friend check out my site and look at my art too please...ttyl


YueMoon (09/20/05)

HIYAZ! XD Nice KH theme! Especially Sora! Well.. of course you can add me as a friend XP

Ok well, see ya later XD


CrimsonAlchemist (09/20/05)

Hey nice site! come by mine sometime! Well later!

DuperSuper (09/20/05)

Hi there! You probably hate me for sending you that chainletter but i got it from one of my friends here and it scared the hell out of me -_-
Lol.. yes, those things easily scare me..
Anyways, sorry =(
Hope we can be friends! Awesome site ^_^

LordAlex-- Sorry it was my fault she sent the stupid chain letter. I got scared and starting sending it; and i guess she got a little scared to if you read what happened to this girl for not sending it and so she sent it to you. So.. blame me XDD lol..

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