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...does cosplay count???
Anime Fan Since
very long time
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I love ALL THINGS FINAL FANTASY AND KINGDOM HEARTS....and the following..NARUTO!!!!!!!!!..Dragon Knights, D.N. Angel ^_^ , Wolf's Rain, Gundam Seed, Rah-Xephon ,Full Metal Panic, Blue Seed, Saiyuki ,Orphen, Fushigi Yugi , Cardcaptor Sakura , Inuyasha ,Yu
move to japan and work for square enix :D
playing with computers,drawing, gaming, and reading manga and COSPLAY BABY
drawing*well i'm working on it* , baking , good with computers*sort of* and I'm kinda good with kids *that's a talent isn't it?*
| SplendorSeal
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Monday, April 26, 2004
I love him
*brused and batter slitely and on crutches from her previous fight* Heh, I won *wobble* hah, I new I could take her *smiles but it looks more like a smirk* Oh by the way I found this picture on the internet, so I edited it so you could see it, its the same as my avi. Ain't he cute! *falls over* OUCH!!! Well you take a look at it while I take a nap and recover> Nighty Night.~_~

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Alright!^__^ I'm behind scheduel>__<
*sobing* I'm behind!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no oh no oh no!!!! I can't belive I didn't make my dead line!!!!!! I was supposed to have the scripts up today *crying* I'm such a failure>_<. I tried soo hard but I had so much to do.*still crying* And on top of that I have finish writing the profiles for DNAngel and write the profiles for the Dragon Knights quiz me and Teia are doing. I've got so much to do but I don't know where to start.*blows nose* Well at least I'm almost done with the scripts. Thats a relief. *still sobing* And I also have to cut the grass , finish weeding , water all the plants and *smack* OUCH!!! That hurt you imbecile!!! Seal!!! What the hay are you doing here, you're a manga character, can you even do that? /seal/ "of course I can!"/ You don't have to yell*ears ace after all the nose blowing* /seal"finnaly you stopped crying, man that was annoying"/ man your a butt head, couldn't you be more sympathetic?*starting to cry, again* /seal/"no"/ What the hay do you mean by no!? Your the cause of all my problems, you and that stupid manga!! /seal/"hmmph"*ignoring her*/ Why I ought to... *grabs the nearest thing(an arrow with an eraser on the end)* you piece of crap I don't know why I made you but as sure as haydes I know why I'm gonna erase you! *starts shooting arrows all over the place and mistakingly hit the computer screen* Now look what you made me do, take this you idiot!! *seal dogges them with ease* hold still for a secon and I'll improve that height issue we had last month!*finnaly manages a hit in the legs which means , no more legs* Finnaly , now you pay for making me suffer all these weeks!!!! *walks over to seal and procceeds to beat the ink out of her* *accidentaly hits the computer, again*.....*computer voice* Transmisson has failed ...Please Stand by.....*the sound of smashing things in the back ground , and she hits the computer again, gosh learn to aim will you!!*(looks at the computer and hits it as hard as she can) BEEEEEP...Transmisson lost..
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Saturday, April 24, 2004
Encouragement from the oddest place
So I was reading this new manga I just bought and feeling pretty down , when I came to a part in it that really encouraged me to keep drawing. I don't get much support from my parents in my drawing carrier. They really don't want me to be a manga writer/artist, they don't even want me taking the classes I need . So anyway I was starting to not want to draw any more. Then I read this part in the book and it was like telling you that no matter what life brings as long as your doing what you like you'll always be happy. No matter what life brings. And that you don't have to be perfet at what you do , you just have to have to have fun. I felt so uplifted I started drawing a new picture right away. I got it done in 30 min or less . It actually looked good.(it will be up tomorrow) So I just wanted to sare this story with you and I hope it encourages you all to do what you love even if it isn't an easy road. You'll have fun just doing what you love the most. ^__^ Anyway I'm going to continue drawing till I die , I'll just have to teach my self what I need to now. ^__^
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Thursday, April 22, 2004
fromo rotten to unbarrible
So yesterday I went to go weed and locked my self out side. My parents were up in Canada for the day and didn't get back till 9:20pm. So I was stuck outside in the freezing cold, and all my neighbors were gone.Then my computer got a virus , is its not workng all that well. Then to top it all of my other site isn't working right. Man I must have gotten some of Daisuke's bad luck. *crying* I think I'll go do some quizzes.>_<

Which Saiyuki character would sleep with you?
Well he is my second fav character so I guess I don't mind
Who's Your Anime Boyfriend?
That's more like it !
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Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Just for the halibut
Just thought i'ld take this quiz.^__^ It's short, sweet, and to the point. Well, two out of the three.^_^ Bye the way , a halibut is a kind of fish.
What comes to mind when
you hear.. | ..snow?: | white
| ..rain?: | peaceful
| ..tornado?: | windy | ..summer
love?: | dumb | ..Jon?: | work
| ..Mike?: | uncle | ..Shea?: | kid
| ..banana?: | nasty
| ..dizzy?: | swings
| ..Laura?: | mother | ..Juan?: | guy
| | crash | ..white?: | headace
| ..peppermint?: | strong | ..New Found
Glory?: | stupid | ..placebo?: | what?
| juice?: | sour | ..candid
camera?: | funny | ..sister?: | annoying
| | notta | ..hate?: | life
| | boring
| ..President?: | rebublican
| | brainless
| ..rap?: | crap | ..pop?: | chop
| ..rock?: | sock | ..punk?: | me^_^
| | pointless
| ..death?: | coming
| | scream | ..duuude?: | dud
| ..the end?: | finaly |
href="" title="The Survey Where You Say
The First Word That Comes To Mind. Yay.">The Survey Where You Say The First Word
That Comes To Mind. Yay. brought to you by
title="Free Online Surveys - BZOINK!">BZOINK!
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Tuesday, April 20, 2004
rotten day
Its been a rotten day, and its about to get worse. I have to go pluck horse tail out of the flower beds.It takes about 7 hrs to finish , and its the job I dread most of all. Luckly it only comes 3 times a year. Oh well, at least I got a sanzo on the quiz I took. That cheered me up a bit. Bye for now>__< What Saiyuki Bishounen Are You?
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Sunday, April 18, 2004
Big Idea
Okay , a lot of sites have D.N.Angel pictures but not many have the manga scripts for it. I've only seen 1 site that had 1 chapter, so I was thinking , to get more people interested in this amazing series, I would post the scripts. It wouldn't be on my other site animeheartbeat. So I'm gonna start that right now. Unfortunately this means all my pictures will be delayed till thats done. Though I'll still try to do some. Well thats whats up lately. Just thought I'ld share it with you all. ^__^
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
Stop right there Anime fans...
...And check out this got full episodes of D.N.Angel, full cd sound tracks to dnangel and a whole bunch of stuff you can't afford to miss. Check it out , they also have galleries , profiles and music to all your favorite anime, and some manga to. I found this site a long time ago but it shut down for a while, but now its back on the road to being fully apporational (some things are still not working yet, but most things are). So check it out. You won't be sorry.^__^
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Friday, April 16, 2004
On the horizon
Okay, a couple of pictures on the way in the next few days/weeks/months(some are done , some almost done and others are on my scheduel to be done). To name a few: a Ranma 1/2 picture that I promised a couple of months ago, a Fushigi Yugi pic, a b/w Dark Magician Girl, a Fairie pic , D.N.Angel pic, a Dragon Knights pic , Kodocha pic, Marmalade Boy pic, Rah>Xephon pic, and an Excel Saga pic to name a few. It may sound like a lot but It isn't really. Well , thats it for now.^___^
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Thursday, April 15, 2004
Okay , so I couldn't get screen shots of the shows yet so I opted for these, only for now . I'll get some good ones up soon.^__^
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