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...does cosplay count???
Anime Fan Since
very long time
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I love ALL THINGS FINAL FANTASY AND KINGDOM HEARTS....and the following..NARUTO!!!!!!!!!..Dragon Knights, D.N. Angel ^_^ , Wolf's Rain, Gundam Seed, Rah-Xephon ,Full Metal Panic, Blue Seed, Saiyuki ,Orphen, Fushigi Yugi , Cardcaptor Sakura , Inuyasha ,Yu
move to japan and work for square enix :D
playing with computers,drawing, gaming, and reading manga and COSPLAY BABY
drawing*well i'm working on it* , baking , good with computers*sort of* and I'm kinda good with kids *that's a talent isn't it?*
| SplendorSeal
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Saturday, March 6, 2004
Well, thankz to Gundamx I was ble to get a blog up , not sure if I'll keep this on but we'll see. Thankz again gundamz.^_^
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Monday, March 1, 2004
So, I got the first of several Dragon Knight manga pictures up on my site and I'll be adding more very soon. My favorite character is Rath,as if you couldn't tell, and my site will be centered mostly around him.More changes to come , so be on the look out.^_^
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Friday, February 27, 2004
Well, yesterday I went out and bought DDRKonamix and a dance pad for my PS2 . I played it for about 1hr and I was sweating really bad(I never sweat when I work out, in other words I just don't try) I really love the game and I'm going to try to get my parents to play it too . Its really hard but soo much fun, maybe I'll even lose some weight .^_^ /font> What is Your Outlaw Star Personality Disorder?
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Thursday, February 26, 2004
Been playing Final Fantasy 8 lately and I keep getting killed on the level inside the Pandora something or another where you have to fight the weird machine . Every time I use magic it attacks me . Then if you wait to long it will split into 3 and wipe out all your life but 1 . Its annoying beyond comprehension . Somebody please help !!!!!!
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second time
"Which Kingdom Hearts Character Are You?" brought to you by Quizilla
Well I must be a Riku after all , thats my second KH quiz i've done and both times I got a Riku .Yippi , he's my favorite character .^_^
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I've decided to change the look of my site. I'm going for an all Dragon Knights look . (my absolute favorite manga) Hope ya'll like the new look .^_^
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Monday, February 23, 2004
 Which Elemental Goddess are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Well , got the first of four new pictures up , it seems to be doing alright .
Anyway , I was watching T.V. a couple days ago and I say this guy called David Blaine doing magic . I was wondering if anyone new if it was real magic . I mean the guy can levitate , read minds , and do all sorts of cool stuff . What do you guys think? I think it could be real , after all I used to do magic myself . I didn't ever do any complicated magic but I could do some simple stuff . I freaked my sister out though so I stopped . Do any of you have any special tricks that you can do ? Just post'm in the comments section .
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Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Take the Kingdom Hearts personality quiz, and visit Castle Diqueria.
I think this one best describes my true personality .^_^
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My mood today
 Apathy, well I can say your lucky, in some ways. You see Apathy is no emotion, basically you don't care. But that does not make you a bad person. Some of my friends are apathetic and I love them, but it wouldn't hurt to care a little more. Trust me life hurts, most people who are apathetic do it cause they were hurt. But don't worry, life is pain, its also pleasure. Good luck. (please vote)
What Emotion Dominates you? brought to you by Quizilla
Well yesterday sucked , and today feels like it is going to be the same . (Spent 40 min trying to decide what colors would look best on my picture)
Oh by the way , if I suddenly stop posting for a long time its because my dad got mad at his computer and canceled our Internet . Hopefully that won't happen but he is pretty mad right now .
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Monday, February 16, 2004
Well , pictures got delayed , AGAIN . My digital cameras on the blinker right now so it may take me a while before I can get them up . I was also thinking of maybe making them be in color instead of b/w . I'm not sure which would look better . Most people like color pictures , but I like sketches better .
On the brighter side my favorite Anime/Manga is coming to manga in April . It's D.N.Angel . I'm soo excited I can't wait . I've been waiting forever for it to get here . This is the best series ever made .(other than Dragon Knights) Oh and before I go I want to tell everyone be on the look out for a yuyu-hakusho video game this April or May .
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