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myOtaku.com: SplendorSeal

Friday, May 21, 2004

   The Perfect Little Idiot
So I got all excited because my sister came home , all to find out she's a complete goody two shoes! Lord knows I'm all for the spiritual bit but she's gone to far. She thinks she's better than everyone and believe me thats just the start. I won't get in to it all but man she pisses me off.

Anyway I did a little searching on D.N.Angel and found some cool sites on it . I'll place the links below so you can check them out yourself. Also , hope you enjoy the pic of rath and karl, it took me a while to find it .

theOtaku.com: What is Your Anime Zodiac?
I haven't the foggiest idea as to what I am so as far as I now it could be right.

Shadabadanime.net: lots of stuff here, intros character profiles ,mp3s: http://www.shadabadanime.net/D.N-Angel/index.html

Not much on this site but has some links to other dna sites: http://www.mahamari.com/dnangel/

Tons of stuff here for the dna fan:character profiles , media ,translations,gallery, fanfictions,ect..: http://dnangel.neutralred.org/

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