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myOtaku.com: SpookyKatie

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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animegirl45208 (03/25/06)

Hi. Nice site. I've added you to my friends. Thanks for signing my guestbook.


txt2tome (03/25/06)

thank you for signing in my guestbook.. your arts are really good.. i'll be looking for ather submissions.. see ya.

grimreaper666 (03/25/06)

hey awsome site keep it up

evil angel (03/25/06)

Well, it is a nice site you have here.
Feels like home to me ^_^
hmm... I haven't seen that movie, or heard about it.
cya l8r
-Kage Oukami

FrankIeroIsLove (03/24/06)

hey thnxs
for signing my gb
nice site
adding u kay?

snowchan13 (03/24/06)

hey. i love trigun too! go us!

moogle claire (03/24/06)

Hello SpookyKatie!
Thank you for siging my guestbook! I thought I'd just stop by your site and say hello!
I love your site! It's my favorite colour RED!!! Yay!

Viva La Randomness!

~ claire *kupO*

sangowarrior (03/23/06)

hey thanks Love your site!
My friend is annoying me do you have annoying friends? All i here is harry potter again and again...
I watch trigun now and then.I ll add ya as a friend

HakuUchihaSama (03/23/06)

Hey thankx for stoping by Whats up....Inner self:The ceiling
Me:No!!! the sky!!!!
Inner:No the moon!
Me: NO!! the universe!!!!
Inner: *Snarl*
Me: *Hiss*
Devil me: SHUT UP!!!! *fire burst out from behind devil me*

Srry....Putting you as a friend!!!!

akkaime, aya (03/23/06)

thanx ffor signin' my gb!!! lovin' your site!!! add ya as a friend!!! see ya later!!! :)

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