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myOtaku.com: SpookyKatie

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Guestbook Entries:

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fireydragon (03/20/06)

Hey awsome site! That's be cool if you added me as a friend, I'll add you too. And about FMA being over, I'm not gonna spoil it but your question (about Ed ans Al seeing each other again) will be answered in the movie (which I haven't seen)Cya!

FelixDeKat (03/19/06)

Hello SpookyKatie!
Neat site~
Thanx for stopping by, i'll add u as a friend. but i gotta go~ :)


Mamma Vash (03/19/06)

Heya! Looks like we share a love of Trigun and Full Metal. Your drawings are great! Did you study art, because you have a great technic. I would like to add you as a friend. Enjoy the day!

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