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myOtaku.com: SpookyKatie

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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kuramayoko45 (06/19/06)

Say hey! Nice site! I like your background too.

~Yoko K.

evileye elf (06/16/06)

hey nice site i love yor bg.
Merel*i hope i spelled her name right*
is cool the other girl scares me for some reason cause she's always happy
come by some time.


pinkfairy17 (06/13/06)

hey i like your page cause i like trigun i like her better then the other girl lol she scares me lol well i like your bg to well talk to me some time k bye bye

animemagick (06/12/06)

cool site trigun rocks keep doing good
well ttyl

if you need anything just pm me

blissboi (05/30/06)

hi there great site i think this is the coolest site i've ever been to can you visit mine and sign my GB? thanks yo!!!weee!!!woo!!ha!!!hii!!!hooo!!!! ^___ ^

MyChem (05/29/06)

Spooky Katie. How very origional. I'm glad you liked mt poem on my site. I wrote it for my ex girlfriend so I had to take it off when we broke up. Oh well. I love your site. If you ever want help or need somebody to talk to, feel free to email me.

Marialuck (05/28/06)

Wonderful web site. It looks really cool. I'm gonna add you to my friends list

solid-snake26 (05/27/06)

Hey! I really like your site! Trigun is uber awesome! Stop by my site sometime if you get the chance to.I hope that it's ok that i add you as a friend.Pm me sometime if you're bored with nothing better to do.See ya!

msyugioh123 (05/23/06)

i like the background and quiz and avitar and cloro

madkittin7294 (05/22/06)

like ur bg ! sign my gb! gatta go!

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