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myOtaku.com: SpookyKatie

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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lost soal93 (04/16/06)

thanks for signing my guest book. your site is really cool. i really like it. i love your background and your a really good artist^^ i hope to talk to you more. see you around sometime soon. i'm adding you as friend. see you later^^

somegirl (04/16/06)

hey!! cool site love the bg, awsome avi well see ya around! later

edmari (04/16/06)

thanx for signin my gb!^^ i luv your site trigun bg!^^vash is hot!see ya!

nabgeta (04/16/06)

woooo thanks for siging my gb very cool trigun bg wooooooo vash.....i'll add you as a friend


saijinto (04/16/06)

hey thanks for signing my guest book.
Happy easter to you too.Hope your having a good one.Nice site you have(alot better then mine)Anyway i hope to see you around,later^_^

Fallen Angel101 (04/16/06)

Sup Katie

Thanks for signing my g-book. glad ya liked the place

Like the site, did you draw that Trigun pic? very nice XD VashxMeryl ish teh love < 3 lol

your a daycare teach?! O_O by god...i would go insane if i did that...

well i g2g



swtanimelvr (04/16/06)

HIya!! thanks for coming to my site!! you are uber much appreciated!!
i LUV Trigun!! Vash is sooo kewl! and funny too! Meryl's pretty kewl herself.
Anyways, arigato again for coming to my site!

Outlaw Melfina (04/16/06)

Hello. Nice Trigun site. Haven't read it, but heard of it. 'Neon Genesis Evangelion' is the one for me. Well, I'll add you as a friend.

Lingo (04/16/06)

Hey preety nice site =] Thanx for coming over and no I didnt go to war, I am still here in Iraq for another 6 months =] fighting sucks u know? but o well. happy easters. hope u visit me again =]


kittykat534 (04/16/06)

thnaxs for signing my book.now ill do yours ok.ttly.bye

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