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myOtaku.com: sportygirl900

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Omg!! oki since the buses where like canceled 2day and I still had 2 go 2 skool it was a total drag bit atleast i didnt have 2 take the playin test. Yay! lolz anyways I posted earlier and yea I did arts and computer then watched a movie it was the Parites of the Carraibeaen I cant spell as u can see XP anyways yea oki then I took the OC home(4 the ppl that dont know wat the OC is it's like the city bus) anyways yea I took that I took the wroung one I took the specail one I was suppose 2 take the regular one the difference was that the special doesnt go up the hill where I live anyways yea soo I had 2 wait 4 the other bus 2 come man it was a long time anyways since like no one was there waitin 4 the bus 2 come soo i sang a bit Hey!! I was bored and I luv singin! lolz yea the bus finally comes and when I take a sit, there was this really cute guy like in front of me he reminded me of Alex(a guy on my frisbee team) he looked soo cute OMG I wanted 2 talk 2 him but I was waayyyyyy too shy and scared too and it was like really quiet soo I didnt want any attention towards me. That would just be werid yea anyways he is soo cute~!^-^ anyways yea then it was like my stop and yea that guy also got off the same stop! I was like OMG!! ackk!then he was like headin in the diction where my best friend lived and I was kinda relif cuz I didnt want 2 be like a staker lolz Alison and Jade yea then I was like walkin' home yea then I saw like my dads car and my sis and bro where like wavin at me and tellin my dad that I was there, Yea....so I got a ride wit them, Oh and I shuld go now it's gettin really late Srry Byez I'll post the nesxt day!


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