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myOtaku.com: squall k leonhart

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

in, out, in out, in.... ahh... I'm going to go to bed soon after I post this. Perhaps its not as early as it should be, but 3:00 is better than 7 right? I suppose I'm happy, rin and I had a perfectly civil discussion, and I managed to make some accomplishments in Final Fantasy XI.
You may remember I posted long ago about that game, and how I couldn't play it. Well, a year ago, the terminals were updated, and I decided to play. As of now, I am a level 30 Paladin, with a warrior sub job. There's probably a lot to go until I feel I've accomplished the most I can in the game, but until then, I shall continue.
Should you want more information, leave comments. Also, I'd like to thank the few people who've signed my guestbook recently.
Finally, here's some music, with videos attatched, for all those who enjoy my musical tastes.


First, the original, which in a strange way makes me think of all we've been through in these last 2 years together, though fighting monsters, travelling through time, and overcoming various obstacles far greater than the ones here is a bit different.

Then the FF8 version (one of many) which kind of details the opening of our relationship.

And lastly, something that makes me feel a bit better about playing FFXI. Originally it was to be a different video, but Sony doesn't like people embedding their music videos, so meh, here it is.

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