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Sunday, February 25, 2007
AYEH! It's finally here...
Yes, YOu mgith not know what i'm talking about.... Well, remember a while ago when i said i MIGHT be in the local paper? .... turn out that i was... sort of.... I was mentioned in one sentance... but anyways, tis' awesome anyway... ^^
Here's a link to the article online.
In other news, I finished 2 book this weekend. (Stravangza: City Of Masks & Flight Of The Fire Theif)
And that's about all... I shall Put the part about teh newspaper in tomorrow's post so taht those who can't get to the site today will be able to find out about it tomorrow... ^^
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Saturday, February 24, 2007
....Tis Saturday.... I am fairly happy...

Be that as it may, I am not going to get an A in science this term... Oh well...Tell me, does anyone oout there stand with me when i say that it is unfair for teachers to take away an A froma student who has one because they didn't do an optional project?..... Sounds a bit unfair to me.... I think that project should only apply to those who HAVEN'T got an a already....-_-.....
Let's see...The research on Willie Mays turned out to be THE BIGGEST waste of class time i've ever seen. There was no report, nor was there a biography... No, instead we had to make a posterabout them.... it has to be COLORED.... and we ahve to present the stupid things,.....-_-.... I swear.... I think i hate Mrs.BOwen jsut because she waatse my school time, and if i'm gonna be forced to go there, i at least want to do somethign CONSTRUCTIVE..... *begins mumbling incoherently about stupid lazy teachers*
anyways, I had to get up at 4:30 because my dad had work. There seems to be no way to connect the two, right? Well, i'll tell you why i had ot get up at 4:30 (AM). Anyone who's ever ahd a paper route SHOULD know.... anyways, on teh weekend, the carrier has to have the papers delivered by 7 AM.... which is a big pain in the ass...My dad and mom usually do them because THEY are used to get up taht early. But dad had to work, so WHO gets top be DRAGGED out of bed to deliver papers? ME...... *mumbles incoherently about the papers being completely unreasonable about their weekend deadline* oh, AND i have to do the same thign TOMORROW morning....-_-.....
Have i ever told you about teh msot annoyign creature i've ever met? His name is Andrew Gregory.... I emplore you guys... stalk him....-_-.... He won't leave me alone.... he KNOWS that i don't like him at all...and now i cna't get rid of him.... because he's friends with Kayren.... Which is ok with me, as long as he stays the hell away from me....
Did i ever mention to you guys that they moved teh last day fo school to the 15th of June? No? well, they did.... they also cancelled one of our off days.... April 29th.... why? Snowdays.... I Hate them.... I hate the school district too...It's run by IDIOTS.... I mean it...They would probably die if they ever had to cancel their precious sports programs...they are such losers.... No offense to anyone who plays school sponsored sports.... In fact, i know a lot of people who do, msot of them are nice people. But the school doesn't ahev to shove the sports down the intellectual people throats every three seconds... They do that too... *sighs*... okay, i'm calm now.... anyways... My town is full of losers, there are very few people i've ever met who weren't so caught up in being "Normal" that they were willing to be different. (Examples of these people: Mark, Dillan, Me, Kira, and Kayren)
Well, I hope you all werent' too terribly offended by my ranting... tis not nice for me to do that i suppose...then again, what do i care if it's nice or not?...tis my opinion, and no one will change it. now, i bid thee farewell. For i shall be sulking in my room. Good Day!
PS: I found out JUST now that my gods-accursed father isn't coming home until tomorrow... there goes my sleep for the weekend.... *begins cursing my father, his job, and the sunday paper* .... In case you didn't know, i use my weekends to catch up on lost sleep for the week.. and now i've lsot that for this weekend....-_-.....
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

hmm.... It's been quite a while since i last posted, huh?
sorry about that.... heh heh.... Haven't touched a computer for a while.
well i have got 2 projects to do, one for black history month (Social Studies -_-) on Willie Mays, I might add that reports are part of the reason why i hate Black History month. Tehy Stuff Projects down our throats at my school in honor of it. I haven't got anythign against African Americans. (end of story)
I also have an optional project for science, whihc i shall put in teh lowest priority (not sure i spelled that right, but, ok... LOL), because it's a report on a famous scientist. And if i don't do it, i'll still get a b in my class... I probably won't do it because i won't have time, what with the afore mentioned report on Willie Mays.
I got a new CD yesterday, Fall Out Boy- Infinity On High. I was gonna buy Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge (MCR) but walmart didn't ahev it...-_-...
Well, I came home and got yelled at some.... and my dad shot a rubber band at me, whihc hit my left eye.... -_-..... I hate him SO much... I jsut wish his stupid job would make him go to Lincoln City for the rest of this week.
I must mention that Dillan was wearing a skirt yesterday... and Mark wore one today.... then again, so did i, but i'm a girl....LOL....
I have somethign to add to my hate list, which is too long to have written down, but this wasn't on it before.... BASEBALL.... I hate ti with every fiber of my being, ebing forced to do a report of Willie Mays only awoke that hate.... It seems i find somehtign new to hate everyday. strange. well.... I'm gonna go now, TTYL.
PS: No Confession today, I'm not out of them, but i don't have access to my files right now. and we also got a new computer. A new Desktop computer i should say.
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Friday, February 16, 2007
Valetine's day

Well, I have successfully amde it through the day with many names, (Valentine's, Single's awareness, The day of doom...ect.)
My father bought me flowers....though anyone who comes over in the time before they completely die will get the story of my home-schooled boy friend....just kidding.... i'm half tempted to do that though....
I have had a bad day, first off, I msut explain that rain makes me depressed, so i get irritated easily. And so, goignt o school and being around some fo teh msot annoying people i've ever met, and nto having Marissa or My bishi there to distract me from the annyoign ones, i was not exactly ahppy.
I got home and had to deliver the papers in the rain.... and then there wasn't anythign on TV.... and I have a little home work, and everythgin is working to make me want to scream today.... On top of that, I get a hed ache every time my head changes altitude....-_-..... I took tylenol earlier, and they wore off... T-T....
I ahte a lot of things today......in facyt, you could say i ahte the world..... Except all you guys... my friends..... and japan....anime, manga..... sesshy.... my bishi.....good books..... rootbeer.....the color black.... the color red....pineapple.....MCR....Threedays grace.... The Vincent Black Shadow.....My MP3 palyer....cats...neko.... kittens..... some dogs..... My bicycle..... money......the lsit goes on.... but those are msot prominent in my mind right now.
I suppose you can add the USA to my list of exceptions, as flawed as the country is..... please don't be offended by my disposition.... i'm jsut nto patriotic... After all, how great is a country where a science teacher isn't allowed to show a doccumentary about global warming...hmmm? .....By the way, i'm referrignt o an incident near where i live about how some religious fanatic said taht global warmign was sign from god that the world was meant to end....
Anyways, yeah.... i'm gonna go now.... i appologize once again for not being very patriotic.... ^^....
Confession 5:
Referring back to the height requirement, which would result in Konoha’s eventual downfall, I started drinking milk. It helps build strong bones! I would grow 3 inches to meet that darned height requirement! And then just another 3 to make them feel bad! Bwahahahahaha!!!!
(It was not until a year later, when I noted with annoyance I had not even grown 3 centimeters, that I learned it doesn’t matter how much milk you drink if you don’t have the Vitamin D to go with it so your body can absorb the calcium properly. Curses. So I promptly went out and bought 20 years worth of Vitamin D supplements, since the deprived world I live in hasn’t had the brains yet to put the Vitamin D in the milk in the first place!)
Note: I would like to reaffirm that the reason I drank all that milk was so I could grow in height, and not so I could deter osteoporosis. Despite my mind blowing grace and beauty and charm, I am not that girly. Okay, maybe just a little...
I liked this one the best.... ^^.... I need to email kira so i can get whatever more she's written.... i only have up to 9 ....
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

well, i shall explain the ups and downs of today in order, so off we go...
This morning i noted with happieness that my Bishi was at school.
I got home work in spanish class, no biggie though...
Kayren had to leave halfway through the day, so she wasn't there to make cynical remarks with me... LOL....
At lunch, Heather is invading on my friend Maraissa's territory, so we all want to kick her ass... sadly, none of us is going to because none of us seem able to be mean to her.... o.0
Well, After PE, the locker room was SO loud, because one of my 6th grade friends was in a fight with one of the 6th grade preps, so they were all yelling at each other, and calling eachother crap. The prep said that my friend was fat, and so my friend said that maybe if the prep would eat for once she wouldn't be such a bitch.... It went on like that with me and marissa telling everyone to shut the hell up until and adult person cam ein a nd yelled at everyone, then it got quiet for 5 seconds and then got noisy again....
In math i have no homework cuz we ahd a test... ^^... and yeah.... so.... that was today....
Oh, i went to wallmart and gotted an awesome AFI poster... ^^ I'm happy....^^
That's the end of today....
Confession 4:
Because the Lord of the Land was stupid, I convinced him to let me make a wicked awesome super secret ninja village so he could be cool too. It later became... dun dun dun.... The Village Hidden in Sound! There, I made my base, which later would be the place from which a lot of people’s pains would flow. Like a river. In the rainy season. Flooding the land. Like Holland. Look it up if you don’t know your Dutch history on natural disasters.
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
boring day

yup, boring as hell.... i have been having a little computer trouble, but not much, I wrote that oak tree thing, and made it funny...
So yeah... now if you'll excuse me, I have an interpretation of some of Romeo's lines to complete before i go to bed,
Confession 3:
So, finding my soul shattered, my heart despondent, and my ego thoroughly beaten into the stuff at the bottom of the orange juice container, I took myself off to the Land of Sound, which had the audacity to call itself a country.
Note: I hate oranges. That’s why I had this one ninja killed because he was drinking that crap in the same building as me!
And it’s all because of my ego beating, and that crap about being too short!!!!!
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Monday, February 12, 2007
Well....I really dislike oak trees....

Because if it weren't for an oak tree....in a movie, i might add.... I wouldn't have homework.... But, alas, my Social Studies teacher is amking us write a 1 page essay on what the afore-mentioned tree would say if it could talk....Trees can't talk.... they also can't see.... I'm ahlf tempted to fill the page up wiht "......" but i've already started....-_-... Another is that trees aren't conscious.....
I suppose i could always just write it and not complain, but where's the fun in that?
so, ty and kira spent the night last night, so i was happy, (Remember, by last night i mean Saturday night, just so you know) I also gotted to borrow Elemental Gelade Vol. 2 and Vampire Doll Guilt-Ne-Zan Vol.2 kira.
I also gotteed to borrow Full Moon Vol. 3 & 4 from Ty...I'm also borrowing the third book in the Farsala trilogy from her..... it just occured to me that that means i'm borrowing 7 books from people, and i dunno how many from the library....
well, I think i shall go finish that essay of which i'm nearly half done with.....
Confession 2:
No. I wasn’t the next Hokage. It hit me like a rock. One of the ones that the girls throw at Jierya when they see him peeping. And why was I spurned of my deepest desire for power? I WASN’T TALL ENOUGH! Such an atrocious outrage! I was 3 inches under the required height for being a -kage! What kind of crap is that? After all, despite my lack of inches, I’m sexy! So, taking leave of my childhood home, I ran off into the sunset. Well, not really. I can’t remember. Maybe that’s why I couldn’t see. Any who, I left my origin of birth, vowing to myself Konoha would fall, and by my hand.
Yes, they wouldn’t let me become Hokage. And not because I was secretly but not so secretly as I thought killing Konoha ninjas and using their bodies in my search for a wicked awesome super ninja technique that would allow my genius and beauty to grace generations to come! But because of a thing called: HEIGHT REQUIREMENT.
Curse them.
Well, that is an interesting idea....turned down for being short, not.... what he was doing....
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Sunday, February 11, 2007
I ish very happy

Me and kira and ty are here, at my house. yesterday we went to the anime club meeting. There was a person from the Albany Democrat Herald, which is the local newspaper. We did most of the talking to her, so we'll be in the paper most likely.
Since i get that paper, i'll scna the article in, and edit out our names, then i'll post it. after all, I dun want to reveal my real name after all. Considering it's my biggest rule about the internet. anyways, i'm gonna put it on the site.
well, Kira is writing a story called:
"Confessions of a Legendary Sanin Reject/Rebel/Fop"
I'll post it the first confession at the end for you guys, since it's on my computer.... ^^.... ^^
and i'm gonan go now, so see you! ^^
Confession 1
I hate Konoha. I hate it with a passion that can be only born of the fiery depths of Hell. And it’s all because I wasn’t good enough to be Hokage! Because I wasn’t good enough! I went to them, and I was all like, “Make me Hokage! I’m the natural choice! Tsunade’s troubled, and Jierya’s a lecherous lump of an idiot who spends 99.9% of his time viewing the ladies at the bathhouse! God only knows what he does with the other 0.1%!”
I thought I presented a pretty good argument, but when the results came back, the outcome would scar the deepest part of my soul and send me reeling down the path that would lead me to where I am now. Writing this. Wanting a muffin right about now. A poppy seed one. Not chocolate. Not since that one time... sniff But we’ll get to that later. Sigh
BTW, This is about orochimaru, and it's kind of like a journal type thing. GO KIRA, right?
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Saturday, February 10, 2007
Saturday morning

It's saturday, i have lot's to do. I beat KH, and am very close to beating KH2. So that one thing i'm probably gonna do, beat KH2.
one other thing is go to the anime club meeting at about 1 PM (It actually starts at 2:30) and get myself new library book before the meeting, cuz there'll be a real long line if i don't.
and, after that, i'm probably gonna sit back and watch anime, maybe write some, cuz i really need to do that. I might play TOS again. Still halfway through my latest play through so yeah....
or maybe i'll try to finish FFVII.... that's the one i should try to do..... then i could restart and try to find vincent. I know i find him in a building with coffins it it..... and i also know that he's an ex-turk.... but taht's about all i know.
And, if i do manage to do that before the end of today (Not likely, i assure you) i shall try to beat Dark Cloud 2....
Let's see, Shelby-kun has introduced me to the world of Gravitation.... Can't say i'm too happy about it, considering Yaoi is against all my (few) moral beliefs.... though i do support Hiei and Kurama.... ^^
I have ben going through a vampire phase.... I actually almost tried to make myself watch the dracula movie that was released in 1992.... *shudders*..... but i quite before i could get too into it.
well, i have places to go, people to call, and my internal peace to destroy.
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Thursday, February 8, 2007
hey guys....

Sorry for not posting in quite a while, i've been both busy, and very tired.... ^^... so yeah....
My school had an internet safety assembly thing today.... it was kind of annoying, considering i have spanish homework because of it....
well, one of my friends might be getting a laptop or somehting, so he might be on in teh next two weeks... ^^.... I ish happy about that... ^^
i have to go, my father's work ahs yet to call and give him his assignment for tomorrow.... *glowers at wall*
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