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Sunday, February 4, 2007
.....i ish jealous

my mom got a lap top..... i am so jealous...
shelby has been staying at my house nearly the whole time since thursday night, and i'm co-writing a KH fic with her, ((AKA i write one chapter, she writes one chapter)) where two girls get transported into the KH game, and have to help sora, causing lots of trouble to sora in the process.
We are posting it on her account, and we've already got to chapters up, so yeah.
heare's a link: Godesses by Squeaker 1 and Icefox94
yeah, so that's about it, TTYL!
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Friday, February 2, 2007
i am sleepy now.....but i jsut woke up....LOL

well, shelby-kun spent the night last night, and we watched Memoires of a Geisha.... I fell asleep at the end though.
She spent all mornign on the internet while i spent almost all morning sleeping...LOL...
well, i have no school, it's a staff development day, so yeah.
i'm gonna go now, TTYL!
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Thursday, February 1, 2007

as you can see, the theme is new, this month the theme is pretty mcuh a spot light on Suzuka from Angelic Layer.
life's been pretty good lately, i finally got the cds shelby was borrowing from me back. ^^ yeay! ^^
well, i'm gonna go, so TTYL!
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Sunday, January 28, 2007
1/27-9:10 pm

jeez! today was fun! ^^....
well, I went to anime club with ty and kira and had a blast... ^^....LOL...
then we went ot walden books, and i bought 4 manga and a book... ^^...
- DNAngel vol. 11
- Chrono Crusade vol.1
- + Anima vol.3
- Tsubasa vol.3
and the book i bought is .Hack//Another Birth ^^
well, after i got home, we went to subway cuz we did, and i found out that my friend chris works there... LOL... anyways,
I jsut found out that one of my friends has to switch from a private school to a public school... i feel for him... it's terrible feeling... having to leave everythign for a new school...
i have my own sort of sob story on that subject... except leaving ym school was like opening a door... onto a better life.... and smackignt aht life in teh face in the process... no, not really...
but when i went ot Baker Valley Christian School *shudders, i expect you to shuder too* i had two friends.... kyle and brittany...
Kyle was a sweetie and i thought he was cute...LOL
Brittany was sort fo annoying, but i liked her anyway.
then there was Samantha... who was my friend for a week... becuase she was dared to.... i have one word for her.... bitch....LOL....
I left... that school.... behind.... THANK THE GREAT LORD SESSHOMARU!
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Friday, January 26, 2007
ALO! ^

I am feelign much better after taking a sick day yesterday.... *yawns*.... i'm so glad it's friday..... ^^
well, i'll go now...TTYL!
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Wednesday, January 24, 2007
quiz time! ^^
1: Afi stands for what?
A) A fire inside
B) a fried insect
2) MCR this time
A) My chemical romance
B) Many crappy radios
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...well, after all of last night's homework, i managed hardly any sleep.... ^^.... i fell asleep from 1 to 4 am.... ^^ how wonderful....
So, today i've been a worse mood than usual.... which reminds me.... I haev to announce i i officially hate everything.... except the things, people, and places that i like, don't worry, you guys are included in the people i like... LOL
well, i'm gonna go do whatever now, TTYL!
BTW, i find this mildly, ok, very intertaining....
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.... 1/23 - 10 pm or there abouts...

As i sit here listening to the AFI cd (Not December Underground) shelby let me borrow in exchange for me letting her borrow my MCR cd, i reflect upon the fact that MCR is way better, and that this cd is better than the december underground album....hmmm.... i also reflect upon my day... which went as follows:
I have a dare i have a cold...-_-.... well, i felt terrible on sunday, and monday, but today was fairly ok...but i've developed a cough, and mom won't let me stay home another day for the cold. i had to go to school today as well.
well, life's been okay aside from that...i bought a copy of final fatasy chrystal chronicles from a local movie store that is going out of business, and it's in real good condition, so yeah.... i also bought a few anime movies...both of which i like well enough... ^^...
i have a LOT of homework, which sucks....-_-.... let's see, i have to draw a political cartoon for my social studies class.... GREAT!...-_-.... and i have math and some more social studies.... JOY! -_-....
well, i want to do some readign with what little spare time i'll have, so yeah, TTYL!
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Saturday, January 20, 2007
... ALO! ^^

hey peeps... ^^ how are ya? I'm doin' fine... ^^
i'm fine, i stayed up until after midnight Iming with my friends... so yeah...
today has been rather eventless, so yeah... TTYL!
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Friday, January 19, 2007
Jeez...i've been sleeping a lot....

Could it possibly mean that i'm getting sick? I dunno, anyway, i've been sorta busy the past few days, yet not busy at all... does that make any sense?
Anyway, I spent most of my free time after school on wednesday hanging out with my friend Marissa, Mark, and Dylan, which was very fun, and i'm surprised that i haven't posted sooner about that... LOL.... we did a lot of walking, but we went to Dylan's house, which was cool. Dylan's dog is such a cutie! ^^ He's a white husky-type dog, and he's soooooooo cute... ^^...LOL...
I had to come home at eight, and marissa was supposed to come get her purse, but she didn't, and i fell asleep and didn't wake up till 1 am...LOL
well, today (AKA Thursday...LOL), was interesting, I haven't talked ot dylan or mark all day, which is kind of weird considering we spent about 3 and 1/2 hours hangin' out... yesterday...
and i don't exactly remember everything that happened, mostly because it must ahev been so boring that it didn't register itself in my brain for long term memory...LOL
I fell asleep at about 8 pm, and woke up at 9:30 pm tonight, and all i really want to do is go back to sleep...LOL... but i have math hoemwork, so i have to do that... grr... we aheva test tomorrow, so i really can't afford to be absent... JOY.... -_-.... so i either have to be absetn and stay after school some time, or go to school and feel crappy all day... -_-.... oh well...
oh, and in response to a comment by artichoke yesterday, about how she'd rather have slow dial-up than a computer that freezes, i haev one thign to say.... I ahev both dial-up internet, and a computer that freezes, and my computer really only freezes when i have over 4 internet windows open...and the messeger works really well usually... ^^
well, I'm gonna go do that math homework now, TTYL!
yesterday's song answer: Fear's In The Water by The Vincent Black Shadow
trivia: if i went to bed at about 6 pm, and woke up at nine-thirty, how long did i sleep?
A) 3 hours
B) 4 hours
C) 3.5 hours
good luck... ^^
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