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Wednesday, January 17, 2007
snow day....

today was a snowday...
i woke up and thought i was missing school because my mom was lazy... and my alarm is not working...
i went online, and then got offline fairly soon afterwards....
i went ot wallmart, shopped with mom, and came home...
delivered papers....blah blah...
got online..... had ot restart the computer...
got online agian, computer froze, had to restart it, was nearly finished posting....
am now resposting, and when i'm done, i'll restart my gods-accursed computer agian, and see if i can't get the stupid messenger to work...
poll results:
50% yes
50% no
"Fears in the water
Tapping on your shoulder
Fears in the water
Dragging down your daughter
Fears in the water
Brazen like a soldier
Fears in the water
Looking at you, oh "
peace out!
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Why didn't ye wake me?

yes, i woke up this morning, and it was nearly ten.... well, it's still is.... um, but this wasn't supposed to happen. I was supposed to get up, go to school, come home, and do all ym random stuff until going to sleep and school came back around.
mom made me feel like SHE had caused me to be absent again.... pffft!.... she eventually gave up, and told me thay had cancelled due to the ice and snow.
now i'm gonna go, TTYL!
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Today was the most boring day.
I don't even kow what all i did, all i know is that i delivered papers with my mom...and went to walmart. -_-....
well, i alos instant messaged with people, but that's about all.
well, i'm gonna go, TTYL!
yester day's answer: A
winners: Doose-Doe, Dark Desire, and Artichoke... ^^
poll: have you casted your votes for the first annual anime awards at ?
A) yes
B) no
I have! ^^
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Monday, January 15, 2007
yo! ^^ I just wanted to mention that if any of you ahev MSN messenger, you can add me, just PM first... ^^
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well.... today was..... strange....
I retook my old bedroom, and turned it into a kind of boring room....^^... at least it's functional now... ^^
I've also net the infamous Krissy, of whom Shelby-kun talks about a lot... ^^...
I failed to walk the dog today, so i'll wlak her twice tomorrow, once in the morning, and once in the after noon... ^^ ....
well, i'm tired, so i'll talk to you all later... ^^
song answer: Welcome to Paradise by Green Day
winners: Doose-Doe
trivia: is my retaken room usable?
A) yes
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Sunday, January 14, 2007
slept till noon again

strangely, i went to bed around 11 pm last ngiht, so yeah...
so, i cleaned ym computer a bit, it wasn't working so i moved a large amount of my stuff to zip disks, and my anime pics alone took 2 and 1/2 zip disks, *shudders* i also deleted the stuff in ym temporary internet files folder, which shoudl be cleaned out regularly cuz it slows down your computer...
i got taken against my mental will to one fo Shelby-Kun's friend's houses, and found out that i'm one of the few poeple shell-kun knows that doesn't enjoy strange...
I think my parents are fighting, i can hear my dad from my room...i just heard the words "she's an idiot" great... dad's talking about me... -_-......*has a strong urge to let the cops find him lying dead in a ditch*
well, i've been having fun today, though i have a strong urge to change the theme agian... ^^ which i might do anyway, since i didn't really like this one too terribly much anyway... ^^
well, i'm gonan go now, TTYL!
poll results:
B) none
E) 33%
song clue:
"Pay attention to the cracked streets
And the broken homes
Some call it the slums
Some call it nice
I want to take you through
a wasteland I like to call
my home
Welcome To Paradise"
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Saturday, January 13, 2007

life's been boring since last time, but since when hasn't life been boring?
let's see, on thursday we had a snow day, which doesn't happen very often, even though the school freaks out over like 1-2 inches of snow. as i so bluntly put it, they metaphorically "run around like chickens with their heads cut off."
I've been doin' pretty good, considering it's really cold this year, and my hands are freezing, and i can't turn on the heat in my room....
well, Shelby-Kun is at her grandparents, so she is iming with me... ^^ yeay! ^^ my parent's computer crashed again (again again to be exact), so tehy had to spend forever on teh internet jsut to update their anti-virus software.... -_-.... whihc took away time from my internet time. and dad amde em cook him dinner, yeay, less tiem on teh internet... *please note the sarcasm*...
well, i'm gonna let you guys go, i'm out of stuff to gripe about.
trivia answer: A) It melts as soon as it hits the ground
winners: Dark Desires, Artichoke, and Arrekusu-sensei
poll: how do you feel when it snows?
A) cold (it's less than 32 degrees, of course you're cold)
B) Depressed (it's melting when it hits the ground! T-T)
C) Happy (who wouldn't be?)
D) Angry (because you look like some kind of food covered in powdered sugar)
E) All of the above
.....hmmm.... E! ^^
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
so happy

School, a drag, as per usual....
math class, fun, as per usual,
walking home, I talked with m' Bishi part of the way! ^^ And it was snowing, so i looked like an oreo...-_-....
When it snows around here, i get depressed, cuz it melts as soon as it touches the ground.... -_-...
well, that was today, what will tomorrow bring?
answer: Dead! by MCR
trivia: What does snow do where i live?
A) melt as soon as it touches the gorund
B) It don't snow
C) Bleah
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
*totally happy, starry-eyed fangirl look*

*girlish squeal of the word bishi* ...oh dear.... i'm appalled at my behavior....*tsk's self* so, i guess you're wondering exactly wqhy i'm acting this way? Everyone but you guys knows by now.... heh heh.... except him... Whoihc i take to be a very fortunate thing.... LOL....
so, this morning i went to school. I'm starting to act less sheepish around my bishi, so i ended up spending the last few minutes of second period talking with him and my two other yeah... ^^
rest of the day went as per usual....boring!....except math, i always liked's even better this year cuz my bishi's in the same class as me. He always asks me for help with his homework, the only problem is, he asks for help with the ones i've answered, but aren't certain about.... -_-...... my hands are yes... anyways yeah. i know this might be boring to listen to but i'm that way...
After school, i decided to get my papers done as fast as possible, in an attempt ot at least have a reason to say hi to him when i passed them..... but i freaked out while trying to get myself together inside, so i ended up missing a chance. I walked my dog three times around the block three times..... it would have only been two, but she insisted ona third go around...the fat lazy bum of a dog tried ot sit and not move right where it was most inconvenient for me..... -_-....
I invited Reaper12 over, and we played tennis outside in teh street. It was durign this that the reason for all my "starry-eyed fangirl" antics occured. ^^.... I swear, of all the directions i expected them ot pass my house from, i never expected them to go the illogical way around the block.... LOL.... anyways, i saw My Bishi, and My sort-of-friend walking towards the general vicinity of the bishi's house...LOL.. anyways, i said hi to both of them, and continued my "game" with kira.... ^^
I Then got online, and missed a chance to stalk one of my friend's boyfriend over the internet... LOL.... joking.... I don't stalk people. but i did have an entertaining time IMing with all my friends... ^^
I'm now borrowing 6 mangas from kira, volumes 1-4 or Ouran Host Club, and vol. 1 of two other mangas...LOL... I also got my christmas present from ty, DNAngel vol. 10... ^^ YEAY!
I've asked Shelby and reaper12 to meet me after school at my school so we can walk home together, since they get out early and all. that way i can tell dylan that reaper12's not his stlker... heh heh...LOL...
I've raised the idea of gettigna hair cut this summer in celebration of going into highschool. A test of maturity i would suppose, as well as a new look for a (i hope) new reputation... LOL...
I've decided to flood my school's art show with drawing from the tea-chan and squeaker art team ((AKA Reaper12 and myself) because i want to go out with an artist's bang! ^^ I'd enter the talent show, but last time i got up in front of the whole school, i messed up big time, so i'm gonna just ignore that. I also plan to do string art for the two most supported teams in my tow, The beavers (and string art featuring OSU in orange on black paper) and the ducks (a string art featuring U of O in yellow on green paper) ...i might try to make some more spectacular entries, but so far all i've got is aniem drawings and string art. If i was at all good with clay, (and if i had a nice way to fire it as well) I would enter a really nice vase or something.... LOL...
well, i'm a gonna go now, peace out , YO!
poll results: of the four comments we had....only 2 voted.... %66.7 say a manga with only two volumes is pointless, %33.3 said "I dunno"
song clue:
"And if you get to Heaven
I'll be here waiting, baby
Did you get what you deserve?
The ending of your life won't wait
Then your heart can't take this"
one of my favortite songs right now... ^^
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Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Yo! ^^

I'm in a good mood, why? four main factors of today....
1) I've officially declared to the preps in ym art class that im "Violent by nature"
2) My Bishi (AKA Dylan) went ot mark's after school, so i ended up going all teh way ot my house in a close vicinity to him.... (not a stalker, we jsut so happen to walk the smae way home from school)
3) I got ot take out anyfrustration i had ont eh garage door with a tennis ball after my mom was out ont eh papers... heh heh...
4) Paine1 introduced me to a new friend on MSNmessenger. yeay! ^^ .....He's fun to talk to, we aggree on a lot... like the fact that it's better to dress comfortably than to dress fashionably...
hmm... i did somethign strange today.... One of my inuyasha t-shirst has the interestin' part on teh back, so i wore it backwards.... ^^... LOL.... and it fits exactly the same backwards as it does forewards... It's great.. ^^
a pair of the preps in my art class were lecturing a guy who was sitting next to me about fashion. They told him ot wear a Polo....whatever taht is...LOL.... They explained, and i asked him "Do oyu even own a polo?" and he was like "no" they said offwhite and white don't go together....tehy go together a hell of a lot better than brown and ANY color...sorry, i hate the color brown...
well, i'm gonna go now, TTYL!
trivia answer: B) a vampire
winners: Arrekusu-sensei; dark desires; & maddhatter22
congrats everyone! ^^
poll: Is it pointless for a manga to have only 2 volumes?
A) yes
B) no
C) I dunno
I say yes, ......becuase i do....*glares at the wall*
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