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Sunday, January 7, 2007

Life's been boring as usual. I'm on teh third disc of FFVII. I've decided that i'm going to try and update one story a day, because i want to.
umm.... let me think... ah yes.... I had to drag my mom to the library, becuase i was running out of books to read. (i was down to 1)
umm, the book i JUST finished was called Monstrous Regiment, by Terry Pratchet. one of the characters, named maladict, is a vampire, i think he look's kind of like sephiroth. anyways, i was thinking about how Sephiroth goes completely bonkers in FFVII... and how maladict went completely crazy in the book cuz he had no coffee, and since i can immagine Sephiroth as a vampire, i thought: What if sephiroth is like maladict? A vampire who was converted to coffee from blood, and then ran completely out of coffee, so he went crazy....
I've decided i might write a fanfiction about that....LOL
umm...let me think....oh, i'm RPing with ty right now, that's always fun... ^^
well, see ya around!
Last time's answer: "riot" by Three Day's Grace
trivia: What can i immagine sephiroth as?
A) a homophobe
B) a vampire
C) A bunny rabbit. ^^
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Wednesday, January 3, 2007
....wow... i must seem like i've been neglecting you people lately, huh?

well, It's more a matter of everytime i've been online, it was too early to post for the next day, and i'm strange that way....LOL
well, life's been good...i finished Beka Cooper (The newest Tamora Pierce book, whihc i got for X-mas) i also finished ELdest (the sequel to Eragon). I'm onyl online late enough on the... well... actually, it's the 3rd my time too... LOL... well anyways, i'm researching the third book, so yeah....i have to wonder what the title is....LOL... andways, yeah....
I'm on the second disc of FFVII.... YEAY... sad thing have happened though.... like the fact that cloud is currently in a vegetable like state here i am in the game...
I need to change my cursor, so i'm gonna work on that soon...LOL... gotta get a new cursor for the month and all! ^^ so i have to dowload the software.... again....hopefully with out thre useless emoticon one, and the *shudders* Zwinkies........too bad... i'm stuck with 'em... oh well.... LOL....
well, it's late, and i need my sleep... TTYL!
poll results: ......i'm to lazy to bother right now.... LOL...
Song clue:
Don't wanna be just like you
What I'm sayin' is
This is the anthem
Throw all your hands up
Don't wanna be you"
good luck! ^^
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Sunday, December 31, 2006
....heh ... it's been a while, eh?

hmm... well, i beat The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess already.... Still, out of all teh zelda games i've pleyed so far, it is by far my favorite... ^^.... I'm a little mad abuot the ending, but i'm not gonna spoil it for those of you who haven't beat it yet... ^^...
Well, i got past that oen point in FFVII, so now i'm moving on with the story.... sort of.... I'm tryign to get one of the optional characters to join me...LOL... Yuffie... she keeps stealing ym money....-_-.... grr... now i must make her pay it off... as soon as i find her again....heh heh....
I'm already half way through my new book... ^^.... surprisingly, since i've spent a lot of my time on the zelda game, i spent the night at shelby's once, and i've been watching Inuyasha too...hmm.... and did i mention i've been sleeping for 10 hours a day too? *sighs* i wonder how this happens... I'm halfway through Inuyasha season 2...i finished TLOZ:TP .... and i'm halfway through my book.... i've watched like three movies already today...strange......
anyways, yeah...i think i'll go now....TTYL!
....wait... one more thing...I'll be working on my site tonight, since i've come out of my video game induced trance to post.... ^^... TTYL!
last post's answer: B)Inuyasha season 2
winner: Artichoke
poll: favorite holiday
A) birthday
b) christmas
C) Any holiday where you get presents
D) halloween
.....C..... why? because i like gettign presents....LOL
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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I have too many christmas presents that occupy tons of time... LOL... at this rate, i doubt i'll even watch all of inuyasha season 2 before season three gets here when i order it...LOL... and i have had the game for 2 days, and already i'm at a point where i need to level up on FFVII... LOL.... I'm having a lot of fun with Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess .... XD.... I'm so happy about ym presents... LOL...
shelby's here right now.... WE're eating ramen, and watching inuyasha! ^^ BOOYAH!.... i mean... YEAY!
well, somehow, someway, my GB went from 38 to 36, weird, huh?
Yesterday's answer: Riot, by Three Days Grace
winners: None
trivia: what'd i get for christmas in the way of anime?
A) Inuyasha season 3
B) inuyasha season 2
C) DNAngel
..........good luck.....
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Tuesday, December 26, 2006
12/25- merry christmas people....

even though by the time you all read this, i'll have passed out from exhaustion due to staying up super late playing FFVII, and the new legend of zelda game...LOL.... not to mention the fact that i'll be watching inuyasha season 2, reading Beka Cooper (THe newest TAmora Pierce book), listing to Vincent Black Shadow, MCR, and three dyas grace. And if that doesn't keep me entertained, i still have Eldest (THe sequel to Eragon which i bought last christmas) to read, plus i still ahev to beat Kingdom hearts...LOL... I cheated, i changed to Kingdom hearts II before finishing KH.... LOL...then again...KHII takes place after Chain of Memories... whihc i'm nto gonna get...LOL...
Guess what? On FFVII, I'm at a spot where we have to dress Cloud up as a girl....LOL...i shall see if it's amusing, or "OMG! I'm gonna die" disturbing....LOL...
dad and me went to watch Eragon, and for a movie that left out stuff, and got stuff wrong, it was really good.
Dad insisted callign mom on teh way home, nearly driving off the road because of it.... I've asked him nto to talk on that THING when he's driving.... at least, when i'm in the car...heh heh....
well, we now have 38 GB entries... ^^...
Poll results:
~DBZ 25%
~FMA 50%
~Inuyasha 25%
cool... FMA is pretty awesome...
If you feel so empty
So used up, so let down
If you feel so angry
Just get up
Let's start a riot, a riot
Let's start a riot
Let's start a riot, a riot
Let's start a riot"
YEAY! RIoting! That is a lot of fun.... LOL
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Saturday, December 23, 2006
i got 44.2% ont eh stupid test....LOL....
The Stupid Test
Tell me how stupid you are!
Read over these questions, if anything here has happened to you...
put an X for each that it true. When you are done re post it
Good Luck!!!
[X] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were talking.
[X] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were NOT talking.
[] You have ran into a glass/screen door many times. (only nine of ten times)
[]You have jumped out of a moving vehicle.
[X] You have thought of something funny and laughed, then people gave
you weird looks. (yeah I don't get it all of my jokes are funny)
[X] You have ran into a tree/bush. (I was distracted OK?)
[]You know that it IS possible to lick your elbow.
[X] You have tried to lick your elbow. (I thought you could!)
[] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
have the same rhythm(really? how cool is that?)
[] You just tried to sing/hum them (oops!)
[] u have tripped on your shoelace and fallen.
[x] You have choked on your own spit .
[] You have seen the Matrix and still don't get it.
[]You've never seen the Matrix.
[] You type only with two fingers.
[X] You have accidentally caught something on fire
[] You tried to drink out of a straw, but it went into your
nose/eyes it hurts when it happens with soda because of all the fizz and it also
hurts when you gargle it
[] You have caught yourself drooling.
[] You have fallen asleep in class and started to talk/drool, or
[] If someone says " fart" you laugh. (what? it's funny!)
[X] Sometimes you just stop thinking. (my own little world!)
[X] You are telling a story and forget what you were talking about. All the
[X] that because they don't get it People often shake their heads and
walk away from you.
[] You are often told to use your "inside voice"
[] You use your fingers to do simple math. (you don't?)
[X] you have eaten a bug (I'm more of a chocolate person)
[x] You are taking this test when you should be doing something more
important. ( yeah, homework, but who gives that Christmas vacation?)
[x] you have put your clothes on backwards or inside out, and didn't
realize it.
[] You've looked all over for something and realized it was in your
hand.(when I'm talking on the phone I often look for it)
[] You have ran around naked in your house. (umm.. OK then)
[] You re post e-mails because you are scared that what they say will
happen to you if you don't. (wait what????)
[X] You break a lot of things. (only a couple things..................today)
[] Your friends know not to use big words on you.
[X] You tilt your head when you're confused. (and make a funny face)(well
whatever I do, it won't help)
[X] You have fallen out of your chair before. (so?)
[] When you're laying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture
on the ceiling.
[X] The word "ummmmm" is used many times a day. (ummm....yeah)
score= 17
NOW, take that number and multiply it by 2.6 to get your percent.
Actually, i've never run into a tree/bush.... jsut a few mailboxes....heh heh.....
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12/22 ....grr....

i slept till like 11 am last night....LOL...
I forgot to go to casie's memorial, but they fergive me, thank goodness....
I spent most of today reading and watching inuyasha season 1, i only got to disc 3 though. Then i switched to the 1st inuyasha movie, and shelby came over.
THe three msot irritating things about today:
1) Time's certainly flowing slower now that i'm nto living day by day, and am looking foreward to christmas.
2) I can't bring myself to tell shelby to keep her boots offa my bed.... which is really irritating, because if my bed ain't heavenly, i ain't happy.... -_-...
3) She asked what time it was, and i had to switch to VCR so i could figure it out, and she goes and forces me without trying into lettign her watch some form of Dragon Ball Z..... Which is a show that i rather dislike due to the too buff guys, and the violence combined....
i moved my bed, so now i haev the whole middle of my room to spazz out in...^^
well, TTYL!
poll: Whihc is better?
Full Metal ALchemist
or Dragon Ball Z
my vote? INUYASHA! ^^
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Friday, December 22, 2006
prelude, 12/21...... sorry... bad pun....

SO yeah.... I'm reporting on 12/21, and AFI has a song called Prelude, 12/21, just in case you were wondering....
Kira spent the night last night, so yeah. We had fun! ^w^
I woke up this morning, and there were a TON of new presents under the tree, 3 cd shaped ones, one shaped susiciously like FFVII, a few other of no real interest.... one shaped like the book i wanted, and one shaped like inuyasha season 2... ^w^..... Mom seems to think that denying me any notion of me having presents will keep me fron knowing the truth....-_-..... she's being wierd....
anyways, so yeah, kira had to leave at about 12, and then i went and delivered papers at about 2, then shelby came over at about 6, we went over to her place at about 9:30, and came back to ym place at about 10, and we're crashing here tonight....LOL....
i spent about 2 hours reading Tithe, and shelby typed up the 3rd chapter to her story which is on my account because she didnt' have an account when she wrote it.
well, now we're just talkin.... kind of roleplaying without using a computer. which is harder, because i can't look back at records to verify things...LOL...
well, i need to entertain shelby, so i shell be back tomorrow!
yesterday's answer: When you were young, by THe Killers
winners: None..... i think ....LOL
Crazy Skit quote thing:
Me: "He's my Bishi to do wiht as i will, whether i decide to use him, or abuse him."
Dark Mousy: "What!?! That wasn't in the contract?"
Me: "Maybe that'll teach you to read the fine print! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
REaders: No.....
Thankyou! Thank you! *bows several times*, now i msut go before inuyasha comes on...LOL
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Thursday, December 21, 2006
12/20- Grr... and yeay! ^^

I am irritated because i found out that inuyasha has ended.... the animes has, and the Manga's expected to end early this coming year....T-T.....
My anime insider magazine came today! ^^
I also got my present from kira, and she wrapped it in the hard to tear kind of wrapping paper that doesn't die from tape either. whihc means..... it won't be hard to find out what's inside! ^w^ LOL....
I also figured out somehtign that had been irking me since this morning, Fooly Cooly, and FLCL are the same thing... ^^ Excuse my ignorance.... LOL..
Me and kira are watching Real Bout High School.... and i am so irritated, becuase Ryoko won't stop doting after Tatsuya, and he obviously doesn't like her in that way....-_-... that and the fact that the anime sequels the manga, and i consider it littered with around 7 episodes of fillers... and there are only 13 episodes....-_-... I liked the manga better... That's the only reason i own the anime....-_-....
I find it amazing that i loved the anime to death when i bought it, and now i loathe all it's faults.....LOL.... Tatsuya isn't even that cute..... -_-.... Shixuma's cuter, which is why ryoko should be after him.... COem to think of it, I thought Shizuma was cuter in teh manga too... even though he has a unibrow...LOL... The idiot...
well, i'm going to stop ranting, I hope kira can stay long enough to watch inuyasha, FMA, and FLCL with me! ^^ MAybe she coukld stay the night./... ^^
Poll results: Greenday 25%, The Killers 25%, Evenesence 37.5%, and Linkin park 12.5%
well... i see we all are different in our opinion...LOL
"You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
To save you from your old ways
You play forgiveness
Watch it now
Here he comes
He doesnt look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentleman
Like you imagined
When you were young"
I Heart This song....LOL....
PS: >< filler episodes irk me!!!!!!!!
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006
12/19- 1 pm on 12/20 ....LOL.... i'm a little late....

wow.... so last night I watched one of the two episodes of house that were on, since i'd already seen teh other one.....LOL.... and i missed the first half of inuyasha because of it. I watched FMA, and Fooly Cooly, because i felt like it, and then tried to watch Steamboy for long enough to get me through till inuyasha aired agian. I actually saw the last epidose of Fooly Cooly...It's a weird show, and i've only watch like 2 or 3 episodes, but it's pretty good...LOL... Well, i managed to stay up long enough to watch inuyasha, but i fell asleep half way thorugh it...LOL....oh well.... i saw the end of the episode, and it was SOOOOOOOO cool! ^^
This morning my alarm woke me up, it was shortly followed by my mom taking the movies we borrowed from the library away from me... she had an appointment in albany, so she was takign them back.
I went back to sleep for a while, and woke up again when she had to drag me down to my orthodontist's new office in our town.... I like the office, it's pretty cool, but now I have no reason to go to albany.... -_-..... but they WILL take me there to get more books next time i demand it, or the world will come to an end! Bwahahahahah!..... i mean.... they'll take me next time we have to go over there for somethign...heh heh...LOL
Today was (well, the term is "Is" for the peopel at school right nwo) the last day of schol before X-mas break. can you believe christmas is only 5 days away?
I'm bored right now...there's nothign on TV...I think i'll play SHadow THe Hedge Hog, because i haven't played it in a while.... ^^
yesterday's answer: House
winners: Shisu-Dono, and Arrekusu Sensei
poll: Which band is better?
A) Greenday
B) Linkin Park
C) Evenesence
D) THe Killers
my choice?...... GREEN DAY! ^^ ^^ ^^
It looks like they're goign to play the bullet in a bible green day concert on fuse agian this saturday.... YES! ^^
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